Would Be Assassin’s St. Louis Roots

Septembra 21, 1897, Joseph Bloomfield Jackson attempted to sneak into the White House armed with a loaded revolver. Jackson had boasted of plans to attack a high government official for days. Jackson was arrested before he could carry out his plans to attack President McKinley.


Znojenje glavnega Desmond je osumljencev iz St.. Louis republika

Police quickly realized Jackson was mentally disturbed. They sent him to a Washington asylum for treatment. St. Louis načelnik Detektivsko William Desmond dobavlja zgodbo o tem, kako Joseph Bloomfield Jackson izgubil prisebnost.

V januarju 1896, Jackson uspelo delikatese restavracija v devetnajstem in Locust ulic. V preteklih nekaj tednih, Roparji zdržal več moških v bližini restavracije. V ropi težila Jacksona mislih.

Januarja 14, 1896, Jackson je nočna mora se je uresničila. Po Jackson zbrali do prejemkov iz prejšnjega dne, je začel hoditi navzdol Locust Street za deponiranje sredstev. V osemnajstem in Locust Streets, Frank Dumas in Felix McGill opozoril revolverjev na Jackson in mu rekel, naj izroči depozit.

Začudeno, Jackson zacvilila in poskušal umakniti. Dumas and McGill struck him on the head with their revolvers. The blows caused a brain injury which was partially responsible for his insanity.

Joseph Bloomfield Jackson did succeed in getting away from the men but the head wounds required him to be hospitalized for several days. Januarja 16, 1896, Chief Desmond and two of his men, Detectives Allender and Viehle arrested Dumas and McGill at Eleventh and Pine Streets.

Najprej, Desmond held the men for carrying revolvers but he suspected they were the robbers. Desmond brought Dumas and McGill before Jackson, who identified both men as the robbers. Jackson then fainted.

St. Louis Courts sentenced Dumas and McGill to prison for four years in the case. Jackson never really recovered. After getting out of the hospital, he could not bring himself to leave his room. Lastnik restavracije ga nerad prazna.

Jackson vrnil v Meridian, Connecticut. Chief Desmond ni slišal nič več o njem, dokler Jackson poskušala prikradejo v Beli hiši OBOROŽENIH.

To bi-biti atentat je bila uspešno preprečena. Štiri leta kasneje, leni anarhist bi pull off kaj Joseph Bloomfield Jackson ni mogel.

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Cover of The Sherlock Holmes of Saint Louis: St. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond

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