Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) izdal Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) novembra 1941. Eden od poznejših filmov Thin Man (podružnica povezava), film vsebuje zanimive vinjete za ljubitelje rokoborbe. Nick Charles, played by William Powell, je vpleten v državno preiskavo lokalnega igralniškega kroga. Dva lokalna promotorja rokoborbe vodita igralniški ring, ki je umetnost posnemanja življenja, če

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Night and the City (1950)


At nearly 70 let, Stanislaus Zbyszko made his film debut in Night and the City (1950). Billed as Gregorious, a retired wrestler and the father of London’s wrestling promoter, Zbyszko displayed his wrestling skills, even at his advanced age, in the film’s signature scene. The movie begins with a man chasing Harry Fabian, a London hustler always looking

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Corsair (1931)


Roland V. West directed fourteen films in his career. Critics consider three of his films to be excellent. West directed the silent thriller The Bat in 1926. West directed his most acclaimed film, Alibi (1929), which resulted in an Oscar nomination for his friend Chester Morris. V 1930, West and Morris again collaborated on his last classic, The Bat Whispers,

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M (1931)


Maja 11, 1931, Fritz Lang’s classic film M (podružnica povezava) je izšla v Berlinu, Nemčija. Poleg tega, da na večini seznamov za vrh 100 filmi vseh časov, Fritz Lang believed his finest film was M (1931). Film je zgodba o seriji umorov otrok, ki se pojavljajo v Berlinu. The police are determined to catch the killer

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