Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1937)

On July 5, 1937, Associated British Picture Corporation lançado Bulldog Drummond at Bay (1937), one of the last Bulldog Drummond feature films (link de afiliado). Neste filme, John Davis Lodge plays Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond. Drummond is vacationing, when a Scottish scientist escapes from a couple of secret agents.


John Davis Lodge do Domínio Público

O cientista joga uma pedra pela janela da cabine de Drummond. Drummond faz planos para resgatar o cientista dos agentes secretos antes de obter informações do cientista sobre um avião secreto.

Drummond está correndo contra o tempo para salvar o cientista da misteriosa Kalinsky, interpretado por Hugh Miller, eo assassino Gregoroff, retratado por Victor Jory.

John Davis Lodge veio de uma família política. Nascido em Washington, D.C. on October 20, 1903, Lodge era neto do antigo senador e amigo mais próximo do presidente Theodore Roosevelt Henry Cabot Lodge.

Lodge started out in the law but started acting in the 1930s. His acting career proved to be more lucrative than a law career. Lodge made 21 films before enlisting in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Lodge was a liason during the war.

After the war, Lodge was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Em 1950, Lodge became the 50th Governor of Connecticut. Lodge continued to serve in diplomatic posts before retiring from politics in the 1960s. Lodge passed away on nine days after his 82nd birthday on October 29, 1985.

Bulldog Drummond at Bay custa cerca de 131 minutes. You can leave a comment or ask a question about this or any post on my Facebook page e Twitter perfil.

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