St. Francis de Sales Dedicated in 1908


Em novembro 1908, three bishops and an abbot dedicated St. Francis de Sales Church, “the Cathedral of South St. Louis”. Built to serve the growing German Catholic population in St. Louis, the huge church would become the home to many families including my great grandparents, Eduard and Magdalena Mosblech, and their 14 children. O St. Louis Archdiocese dedicated the church

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Murder at 2912 Washington

Caso de assassinato em Huddleston

Buildings are just piles of boards and bricks without the stories that are attached to them. During November 1912, St. Louis Police Officer Arthur Huddleston was killed by paroled murderer Albert Whitefield. Whitefield had surprised his common-law wife, who was entertaining another gentleman caller. Whitefield attempted to kill her before two St. Louis Police Officers responded to her cries for

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St do general Sherman. Louis Início


General William Tecumseh Sherman da fama Guerra Civil tinha raízes profundas na St. Louis que remonta a 1843. Como um soldado, ele foi designado para Jefferson Barracks. Ele também estava envolvido em St. Louis businesses as the St. Louis Rua Railroad Company presidente até que ele deixou St. Louis for the Civil War in 1861. After the war, St. Louis’ citizens

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Sgt. King’s Home on Lotus Avenue


Eu já escrevi sobre um incidente no qual um sargento detetive para o St. Louis Polícia foi baleado durante uma tentativa de assalto. Unlike a number of other incidents in Gilded Age St. História Louis, Detective Sergeant James Martin King’s home in January 1920 still exists. The home is still in excellent condition. 4973 Lotus Avenue was the home of Sgt. King in

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