迪克Tracy (1937)


早在 1937, Republic Pictures released the first chapter of its first Dick Tracy serial. 迪克Tracy (友情鏈接) consisted of 15 chapters for a total of almost 300 分鐘. Ralph Byrd played the popular comic book detective Dick Tracy. In this serial, the Spider, whose true identity is unknown, leads a gang of criminals dedicated to enriching themselves and

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Mysterious Mr. 運動 (1938)


十月 14, 1938, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation released the fifth of eight Mr. Moto Films starring Peter Lorre as Interpol Policeman Kentaro Moto. In Mysterious Mr. 運動 (1938), 先生. Moto infiltrates a prison and helps a prisoner escape to discover the plans of his criminal organization. 先生. Moto breaks international criminal Paul Brissac, played by Leon Ames, 出

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孤獨的狼間諜狩獵 (1939)


一月 27, 1939, 哥倫比亞電影公司發行了《孤獨的狼》電影的第一部, 孤獨的狼間諜狩獵 (1939). 沃倫·威廉姆(Warren William)扮演 “Lone Wolf” 邁克爾·蘭亞德, 前安全小偷和珠寶小偷. 這部電影的開場白是在華盛頓街頭綁架了Lanyard的兩名男子, D.C. 一個神秘男子要求蘭亞德(Lanyard)盜竊一個保險箱,但他

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