Txias los ntawm 2006 mus 2010

Qhov kev pab cuam kev cob qhia no yog li cas kuv siv los ntawm 2006 mus 2008, thaum kuv tau kawm nyob rau hauv Taekwondo thiab Judo. Hais txog, Kuv tau workouts txias rau thaum sawv ntxov thiab martial arts workouts thaum yav lig.


William Muldoon ntawm ib theem ntau lawm

Conditioning raws sij hawm

Monday sawv ntxov: Hauv siab, Biceps, Tus kws qhia elliptical

Tuesday sijhawm ua ntej tavsu: Ncej, Txij plab hlaub, Recumbent Bike

Tsaus ntuj Tuesday: Lub xub pwg nyom, Triceps, Ntaub ntawv

Hnub vas Xuv sijhawm ua ntej tavsu: Tom qab, ABS, Tus kws qhia elliptical

Monday sawv ntxov: Lub rooj ntev zaum xovxwm supersetted nrog Barbell Curls kev poob lawm rau peb, Toj DB xovxwm supersetted nrog DB rauj Curls rau peb poob lawm, Toj Flye supersetted nrog ib caj npab Concentration caws rau ob tug poob lawm, thiab pav ca-tog zaum Flye supersetted nrog ib caj npab Preacher caws rau ob tug poob lawm. Tag nrog Elliptical tus kws qhia rau 20-30 feeb.

Tuesday sijhawm ua ntej tavsu: Ceg Extension supersetted nrog ceg Curls rau peb poob lawm, Ceg xovxwm supersetted mob plab hlaub xovxwm rau peb poob lawm, DB Romanian Deadlifts supersetted nrog zaum DB ntiv taw nce rau ob tug poob lawm thiab mus kev Lunges supersetted nrog dai taw seb puas tsimnyog tau rau ob tug poob lawm. Tas nrog cov tsheb tuam Recombinant rau 20-30 feeb.

Tuesday P. M.: Zaum DB xovxwm supersetted nrog Dumbbell Shrug kev poob lawm rau peb, Upright Row supersetted with Lying Triceps Extension for three sets, Side Lateral supersetted with Triceps Extension for two sets and Front Lateral supersetted with One-Arm Triceps Extension for two sets. Finish with Forms for 20-30 feeb.

Hnub vas Xuv sijhawm ua ntej tavsu: Lat Pulldown supersetted with Crunch for 3 sets, Barbell Bent Row supersetted with Reverse Crunch for three sets, Seated Row supersetted with Stiff-Arm Pulldown for two sets and Bent Lateral supersetted with Dumbbell Wrist Curls. Tag nrog Elliptical tus kws qhia rau 20-30 feeb.


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I used this routine to address my conditioning while I attained a second degree black belt in Taekwondo and a third degree brown belt in Judo. Muab rau nws ib zaug. It will increase your strength, while building up your cardio fitness.

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