Duab ntxoov ntxoo ntawm tus txiv neej nyias (1941)


Xov-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) released Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) in November 1941. One of the later Thin Man films (affiliate link), the film contains interesting vignettes for wrestling fans. Nick Charles, played by William Powell, is pulled into a state investigation of a local gambling ring. Two local wrestling promoters run the gambling ring, which is art imitating life if

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Tsaus ntuj thiab lub nroog (1950)


ze li ntawm 70 xyoo, Stanislaus Zbyszko ua nws zaj duab xis debut hmo ntuj thiab lub nroog (1950). Billed li Gregorious, Ib txijnkawm wrestler thiab leej txiv ntawm London wrestling promoter, Zbyszko tso tawm kom pom nws wrestling txawj ntse, Txawm tias thaum nws muaj hnub nyoog siab heev, Nyob rau hauv naam kos npe scene. Tus yeeb yam pib nrog ib tug txiv neej chasing Harry Fabian, Ib London hustler ib txwm saib

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Corsair (1931)


Roland V. West qhia films kaum plaub hauv nws cov hauj lwm. Critics muab peb tug nws films kom yav tom ntej. West qhia tus uas ntsiag to thriller puav nyob rau hauv 1926. West qhia nws zaj duab xis tshaj acclaimed, Liam ua tub sab (1929), uas ua rau ib Oscar nomination rau nws cov phooj ywg Chester Morris. Nyob rau hauv 1930, Hnub poob thiab Morris ho collaborated rau nws lub xeem classic, Tus puav Whispers,

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Metropolis (1927)


Nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 10, 1927, Universum zaj duab xis (UFA) tso Fritz Lang lub Metropolis (1927). Lub tuam txhab German zaj duab xis uas ua ib cov hoob kawm science ntawv tseeb, uas tseem tuas hnub no. Rau hauv Internet Movie Database website (IMDB), cov neeg siv npaum nws 8.3 tawm ntawm 10 hnub qub. Nws yog #104 nyob saum 250. In a theme society has wrestled with since the beginning of the

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Dr Mabuse, the Gambler (1922)


Fritz Lang ua ib yam ntawm nws thaum ntxov txim films hauv 1922. Nws hais cov Dr. Mabuse: Lub Gambler (1922), uas khiav li plaub teev thiab peb caug feeb. Nws yuav qhia zaj dabneeg cov Dr. Mabuse, ib cov xibfwb ntawm psychoanalysis. Nws tseem yog tus thawj coj ntawm ib ntiv nplhaib tawm txim ntawm cov pwm ntawm xibfwb Moriarty los ntawm koob Sherlock Holmes. In his multiple

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Tus nus npaws Monte Cristo (1940)


Nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 10, 1940, Rowland V. Hli thiaj tso nws cov nyiaj tsawg feature zaj duab xis tus tub of Monte Cristo (1940) los ntawm United ntxias. Rowland V. Hli pib films rau koj tswj 1920 thiab yuav ua 59 films ua ntej retiring hauv 1945. Hauv no zaj duab xis, Louis Hayward plays The suav of Monte Cristo, Edmund Dantes, ❏ Jr ❏. The Count inherits his father’s money and the

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Lub Hound ntawm cov Baskervilles (1939)

zaub txig theem-rathbone

No zaj duab xis (affiliate link) was the first Sherlock Holmes film starring Basil Rathbone as Holmes. Sidney Lanfield qhia lub Hound ntawm cov Baskervilles (1939) rau hnub 20-xyoo pua hma liab. Nigel Bruce puag hnub qub li Dr. John Watson. Rathbone thiab Bruce yuav lib Holmes thiab Watson tsug kaum peb tom films, ib qho ntxiv rau hnub 20-xyoo pua hma liab thiab kaum ob rau Universal duab. This film is a

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Tus puav Whispers (1930)


Nyob rau lub kaum ib hlis 13, 1930, Roland V. Hnub poob tso tus puav Whispers (1930), lub talkie version ntawm nws uas ntsiag to classic, Puav (1926). Naam faithfully raws tsab ntawv tseem cia nrog. Txawm li cas los, Yuav tau xyaum ua tej yam zaj duab xis hom kev kawm zoo li kev txhaj tshuaj mus txog qhovtwg West, lub novelty tseem nyob rau thaum suab xinesmas. Tseem tus dominated raws li lub rooj saab laaj thiab dab neeg siv cov txheej txheem editing.

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