Rov 81 – Liquid Courage

Hauv no rov, I will be talking a wrestler who need “liquid courage” to climb in the ring with Evan “The Strangler” Lewis.

Hloov tshiab

Tragic Storms on Friday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 14, 2025


Evan “Strangler” Lewis los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb

Evan Lewis Defeats a Drunken Wrestler

Nyob rau hauv 1887, Evan “Lub Strangler” Lewis signed to wrestled Englishman Jack Wannock, cov tau zus ib Cornish Wrestling, Chicago Mayor Roche issued a permit for the match under the stipulation that promoters banned the stranglehold.

Ntais ntawv tshawb rau lub “Ntiaj teb Title” muab qhov chaw rau lub ntuj 7, 1887, ntawm cov roj teeb D nyob Chicago, Illinois. Wannock ntsia rau haum 190 phaus, but his face betrayed his emotions. Tom qab ntais ntawv, cov timkhawv hais tus txiv neej ntawv xov xwm hais tias Wannock muaj tau nyob hauv lub tavern ua ntej ntais ntawv. Lewis worried nws heev kom Wannock yuav tsum siab tawv ua kua ua ntej ntais ntawv.

The match was a three-out-of-five falls match. Lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj, Lewis caught a leg grapevine. Lewis scrambled rau tus ntoo khaub lig-pob tw nqa thiab cog Wannock nkuav nraub qaum rau lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj ntawm 6 feeb thiab 20 vib nas this.

Wannock did his best work in the second fall, but it was not enough. Lewis started the fall with a headlock showing how little Lewis thought of Wannock. Wannock applied a leg grapevine and threw Lewis to his side. Lewis scrambled rov qab mus nws lub taw. Lewis applied his own leg grapevine that Wannock turned into a hip lock and lift. Lewis NW nyuam qhuav dim hauv thiab tsawv nkaus lwm grapevine. Wannock again almost pinned Lewis with the hip lock lift.

Ib chim Lewis tsawv nkaus Wannock rau ib hammerlock. Lewis hloov lub hammerlock rau ib nrab hnub-nelson thiab muab Wannock rau nraub qaum. Lewis yeej lawm lub caij nplooj zeeg ob hauv kev zoo tib yam 6 feeb, 20 vib nas this.

Wannock tau los ntshav los ntawm lub qhov ncauj thiab yuav pib rau lub caij nplooj zeeg peb nkees. Xav ua kom tau, Them Lewis Wannock, neeg deftly sab-stepped tus Wannock them. Lewis hos ib lub grapevine rau lub xub pwg xauv thiab cog Wannock rau nws rov qab ib zaug.

Lewis vaulted nyob rau sab saum toj ropes tawm lub nplhaib, Thaum Wannock staggered ntawm lub nplhaib nws vib nas this yuav pab. Alcohol caused Wannock’s original drunkenness but “Lub Strangler” caused Wannock’s head to swim more than alcohol ever could.


Marc “Rollerball” Rocco vs. Dynamite Kid in England (01-16-1982)

I have almost finished Louisville’s Greatest Show: The History of the Allen Athletic Club (affiliate link) by John Cosper.


WWE’s Rock Problem

-Rock inserted himself at the last minute

-Originally pitched Cody turning heel

– Xwb, Cena turned heel

My thoughts on John Cena

-Like having Sammartino kick Backlund in the balls in 1980

From now on if the Rock is bored or does not have a movie project is he going to shoehorn himself into a storyline where he is not needed or even wanted

-It turned fans off last year and may do so again this year.

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