Stecher vs. Sonnenburg nyob rau hauv 1930


Nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 30, 1930, Gus Sonnenberg defended his AWA World Title, based in the Boston promotion of Paul Bowser, in Boston Arena against former world champion Joe Stecher. Two minutes of film survived from the hour-long match. Gus Sonnenberg traded on his celebrity as a professional football player to become a wrestling star. Sonnenberg helped the Providence Steam Roller win

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Killer Dill (1947)


Rau lub yim hli ntuj 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions released Killer Dill (1947), a crime film that professional wrestler Mike Mazurki plays “Little Joe”, a henchman playing both sides of a gang feud. Stuart Erwin stars as Johnny “Killer” Dill, a lingerie designer and salesperson, who people mistake for a gangster. After accidentally involving himself in a gang war, nws

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Duab ntxoov ntxoo ntawm tus txiv neej nyias (1941)


Xov-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) released Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) in November 1941. One of the later Thin Man films (affiliate link), the film contains interesting vignettes for wrestling fans. Nick Charles, played by William Powell, is pulled into a state investigation of a local gambling ring. Two local wrestling promoters run the gambling ring, which is art imitating life if

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Rov 47 – Londos vs. Carnera

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog cov hauj lwm ntawm Jim Londos thiab Primo Carnera ua rau ib txoj kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm qhov kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm cov 1950 wrestling match. Hloov tshiab peb pib nrog ib qho hloov tshiab txog peb cov ntaub ntawv teev tseg. Ib pab neeg no rau qhov raug mob reserve, Li ntawd, peb yuav tau teev tseg rau Skype rau ob peb lub sijhawm uas nws rov.

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“Sailor” Art Thomas vs. Ray Zills

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab

Thaum xav txog neeg Asmeskas American keeb kwm lub hlis, Kuv xav txog tus thawj poj dub wrestler uas kuv pom ntaub ntawv. Thaum kuv pib menyuam wrestling hauv St. Louis thaum 1979, “Sailor” Art Thomas wrestled regularly on Wrestling at the Chase, Peb lub zos wrestling qhia. Wrestling at the Chase aired every Sunday at 11 a.m. Rau KPLR Channel 11. Although Thomas

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Lewis Dauv npe rau Sonnenberg


Ed “Strangler” Lewis yog ib lub sab saum toj ob American kev wrestlers ntawm all-time. Thaum Lewis yog ib tug tseeb submission wrestler, Leej twg yuav tuav leej twg nyob hauv ib wrestling contest, Nws ua hauj lwm yuav luag exclusively nyob prearranged exhibition qhov yuam kev. Nyob rau hauv 1929, Nws muab ib feem ntawm ib match nrog kev football neeg uas ua ntawv muab wrestler, Gus Sonnenberg. Sonnenberg yog rau lub Providence Steam Roller,

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Londos Wrestles Coleman thiab Shikina


I recently discovered a three minute clip on YouTube, which included two of Jim Londosmatches from the 1930s. In the first match, Londos wrestles Abe Coleman. In the second match, Londos wrestles a mixed styles match with Oki Shikina, who was trained by Taro Miyake, the Judo black belt and professional wrestler. Londos was the biggest box office star

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Londos vs. Nagurski nyob rau hauv 1938


Nyob rau lub kaum ib hlis 18, 1938, Qub ntiaj teb wrestling tau zus ib Jim Londos wrestled tam sim no tau zus ib Bronko Nagurski, Tus poj qub football neeg uas ua ntawv rau lub Chicago Bears. Cov txiv neej wrestled hauv Philadelphia, Pennsylvania rau Nagurski version ntawm lub ntiaj teb wrestling championship. Koj yuav saib tau lub 14-feeb match hauv nws cov entirety rau YouTube. Thaum kuv saib ntais ntawv thawj zaug, ntau

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Rusty Wescoatt, Ncaws pob thiab kuj

rusty-wescoatt-zaj duab xis-nqi

Yug Norman Edward Wescoatt nyob Hawaii rau lub yim hli ntuj 2, 1911, "Rusty" Wescoatt ua si football rau lub tsev kawm ntawv ntawm Hawaii ua ntej yuav ua nws kev wrestling debut hauv Hawaii thaum lub sij hawm 1933. Wescoatt kuj yog ib tug ua luam dej tau zus ib. Wescoatt chiv ua xov xwm ntxiv rau nws ua luam dej dua nws wrestling thaum nws mus rau lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv 1935. Hnub Xya, Tim

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Tsaus ntuj thiab lub nroog (1950)


ze li ntawm 70 xyoo, Stanislaus Zbyszko ua nws zaj duab xis debut hmo ntuj thiab lub nroog (1950). Billed li Gregorious, Ib txijnkawm wrestler thiab leej txiv ntawm London wrestling promoter, Zbyszko tso tawm kom pom nws wrestling txawj ntse, Txawm tias thaum nws muaj hnub nyoog siab heev, Nyob rau hauv naam kos npe scene. Tus yeeb yam pib nrog ib tug txiv neej chasing Harry Fabian, Ib London hustler ib txwm saib

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