McLaughlin Wrestles Dufur


Txog hnub plaub, Lub kaum hli ntuj 7, 1884, Colonel James Hiram McLaughlin wrestled Henry Moses Dufur for what both men claimed would be the last time. The 40-year-olds specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling. The men wrestled in Detroit, Michigan, the home territory of McLaughlin. The match took place at the Detroit Opera House in front of a small crowd. Professional wrestling had not developed

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McLaughlin Defends Title?


Tuesday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 29, 1884, Kwv yees li ntawm ob txhiab kiv cua crowded rau hauv lub tsev Detroit Opera tsev saib tus thawj ob-match koob ntawm Colonel James H. McLaughlin thiab Henry Moses Dufur. Pawg neeg yuav tsum delight lub koom haum thiab wrestlers. Qhov yuam kev yog nqus crowds nyob rau txhiab tau tsawg tsawg thaum lub xyoo pua 19th. Organizers tau thov McLaughlin yog defending cov American

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Sorakichi Matsuda Dies nyob New York


Sorakichi Matsuda travelled rau lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas lig 1883 Pib nws kev wrestling hauj lwm. Matsuda npaj kawm American kev wrestling thiab rov qab mus nws teb koj chaw pib nws tus kheej wrestling qib. Matsuda tus thawj tswj ua neeg pab leg ntaubntawv txog nws txoj kev kawm nyob rau Nyiajpoom Teb, uas yuav tsis tau qhia tau tseeb txog. Matsuda kawm nyob sumo wrestling nrog tus nto moo Isegahama ruaj khov tab sis puas tau

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McLaughlin Mixes nws nrog Ross


Txog hnub plaub, Tim 10, 1884, America tus thawj full-time kev wrestler, J.H.. McLaughlin wrestled all-around Scottish ncaws pob thiab wrestler Duncan C. Ross nyob Detroit opera tsev. Cov txiv neej wrestled ib 3-tawm ntawm-tsib ntog mixed styles match. McLaughlin specialized hauv collar-and-luj tshib wrestling. Cov txiv neej wrestled ob ntog hauv collar-and-luj tshib txoj cai. Ross favored sab tuav txoj cai. Cov txiv neej wrestled ob ntog los ruaj ntseg sab

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Zoo kawg thiab Gama Wrestles Stanislaus Zbyszko


Rau hnub Saturday, Cuaj hlis 10, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko, Tshiab tawm ntawm nws thawj ncig xyuas ntawm lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas, Wrestled tus poj Gama ntawm shepherd lub hav txwv yeem chaw ntau pob nyob rau London, Hais. 7,000 spectators crowded rau hauv lub chaw ntau pob saib ntais ntawv. ob peb lub lis piam lawm, Mr. Benjamin coj ib pawg Pehlwani wrestlers ntawm khej mus wrestle hauv hais. Kiv cua xav txog qhov zoo kawg thiab Gama

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Bibby ntau heev rau Matsuda


Nyob rau 1880s thaum ntxov, Sorakichi Matsuda, or Matsada in most American newspapers, traveled to the United States to wrestle professionally. Japan did not have a developed professional wrestling circuit, so Matsuda thought he would bring the sport back to Japan after an apprenticeship in the United States. After training for a while, Matsuda signed an agreement to wrestle the first

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McLaughlin yeej xwb kev sib tw


Hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 10, 1870, Colonel James Hiram McLaughlin competed rau nag hmo ntawm tus International Wrestling kev sib tw nyob detroit, Michigan. Cov kev sib tw khiav yuav luag ob lub hlis ua ntej qhov kawg nkaus rau lub peb hlis ntuj 10th. Wrestling historians nquag credit J. H. McLaughlin li yog tus thawj kev wrestler nyob xwb rau nws khwv nyiaj ua ib wrestler wrestler. Feem ntau cov wrestlers wrestlers

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Edwin Bibby Defies Adage qub


Yog ib lub hiob adages hauv combat kev ua si yog “Ib tug txiv neej zoo ib txwm beats ib tug txiv neej zoo me ntsis”. Nws yog vim li cas tias peb muaj luj divisions hauv boxing, wrestling thiab sib xyaw martial arts. Tuesday, Kaum ib hlis 2, 1881, 160-Phaus Edwin Bibby proved muaj cov exceptions rau txoj cai no. thaum me me, Edwin Bibby yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog muaj zog rau nws loj.

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Ross ntsib lub Bauer


Scottish wrestler Duncan C. Ross wrestled professionally tab sis kuj muab ib feem ntawm lub zog thiab ncaws contests tom qab mus txog hauv lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas hauv lub caij 1870s lig. Ib all-around ncaws pob, Ross wrestled skillfully hauv ob catch-as-catch-can wrestling thiab Greco-Roman wrestling. Hnub Monday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 26, 1883, Ross wrestled qub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Theobaud Bauer. Bauer coj lub ntiaj teb Championship ntawm Fabkis

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Acton Wrestles Greco-Roman


Hnub Monday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 26, 1888, Joe Acton, Leej twg specialized hauv catch wrestling, Wrestled xibfwb William Miller, ib pawg wrestler, thiab bare-knuckle prizefighter, Nyob rau hauv ib ob-tawm ntawm-peb-ntog Greco-Roman wrestling match. Leej txiv neej camps ntseeg wrestling ntais ntawv hauv no style ensured tus fairest contest ntawm lawv. Cov txiv neej wrestled rau $500.00 ib sab. 1,500 kiv cua, Ib pawg neeg coob rau lub era, muab

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