Bulldog Drummond nyob Bay (1937)


Nyob rau lub Xya hli ntuj 5, 1937, Associated British duab li tso Bulldog Drummond ntawm Bay (1937), yog ib lub xeem Bulldog Drummond feature films (affiliate link). Hauv no zaj duab xis, John Davis Lodge plays tus tauj ncov loj Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond. Drummond vacationing, when a Scottish scientist escapes from a couple of secret agents. Cov tus paub txog throws pob zeb los rau ntawm lub qhov rais ntawm Drummond lub alarm.

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Corsair (1931)


Roland V. West qhia films kaum plaub hauv nws cov hauj lwm. Critics muab peb tug nws films kom yav tom ntej. West qhia tus uas ntsiag to thriller puav nyob rau hauv 1926. West qhia nws zaj duab xis tshaj acclaimed, Liam ua tub sab (1929), uas ua rau ib Oscar nomination rau nws cov phooj ywg Chester Morris. Nyob rau hauv 1930, Hnub poob thiab Morris ho collaborated rau nws lub xeem classic, Tus puav Whispers,

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Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935)


Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935) (affiliate link) yog ib lub tsib Sherlock Holmes films starring Arthur Wontner li Sherlock Holmes. Director Leslie S. Hiscott txais tau lub Sherlock Holmes tshiab lub hav uas ntshai tiam sis ntxiv rau zaj dabneeg muab Moriarty xibfwb thiab Col. Sebastian Moran qhia nyob rau hauv zaj dabneeg. Ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm tus yeeb yam yog lub retelling

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Juve vs. Fantomas (1913)


Juve vs. Fantomas (1913) is Louis Feuillade’s second film adaptation (affiliate link) of the popular crime series by Marcell Allain and Pierre Souvestre. Rene Navarre plays lub luag hauj lwm ntawm Fantomas thiab nws cov aliases ntau. Edmund Breon cim cov neeg soj ntsuam Juve. George Melchior plays lub luag hauj lwm ntawm Jerome Fandor, ib tus hluas journalist, leej twg assists Juve nyob rau hauv nws cov kev soj ntsuam ntawm Fantomas. Juve and

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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)

zaub txig theem-rathbone

Cov taug txuj kev nyuaj ntawm Sherlock Holmes (1939) yog tus thib ob thiab xeem ntawm lub ob Sherlock Holmes films los ntawm hnub 20-xyoo pua hma liab hauv 1939. Hnub qub zaub basil Rathbone li Sherlock Holmes thiab Nigel Bruce plays Dr. Watson. Tus yeeb yam yog muaj teev nyob rau hauv 1894 thiab Holmes yog dua ib zaug pursuing Moriarty xib feb, ua si ntawm George Zucco. Moriarty qhia Holmes tom qab dua ib zaug escaping

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Laurel thiab Hardy nyob Babes hauv Toyland (1934)


Oliver Hardy Stan Laurel thiab cov hnub qub nyob hauv ib qhov ntawm kuv cov nyiaj so koobtsheej favorite films, Babe hauv Toyland (affiliate link) or March of the Wooden Soldiers (1934). Nws yog feem ntau muaj nyob ib ncig ntawm Thanksgiving. No zaj duab xis ntseg Stan Laurel li Stannie Dum thiab Oliver Hardy li Ollie Dee, leej twg tseem tabtom mus pab niam Peep, cov me muaj poj niam rau khau. Barnaby,

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Max Linder ua Pathe’ Zaj duab xis


Max Linder (1883-1925) los ua tus Pathe' zaj duab xis Studio nyob rau 1900s thaum ntxov. Linder tus comedy pawg Charles Chaplin, Harold Lloyd thiab Buster Keaton. Linder mas lom zem ntau npaum li cas tiag hnub no vim nws zaj duab xis biggest successes nyob hauv lub 1910s. Feem ntau nws films yeej yog tas lawm. Zaj duab xis kiv cua hnub no muaj cov kev pab ntawm cov chaw muab kev pab zoo li qhov Internet Archive, which has a number of

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