Puas Muldoon os McMahon?

Hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 22, 1881, Greco-Roman ntiaj teb Wrestling tau zus ib William Muldoon yus dab tshos-thiab-luj tshib ntiaj teb tau zus ib John McMahon nyob Terrace teb nyob New York City. Muldoon thiab McMahon ntsib nyob hauv lub best-two-out-of-three-falls match.

Lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj yog ua los ntawm txoj cai Greco-Roman. Lub caij nplooj zeeg ob puas yuav contested siv kev cai dab tshos-thiab-luj tshib. Lub caij nplooj zeeg tas los no yuav raug txiav txim ntawm dab tsi New York tiv tshav ntuj kub hu ua catch-as-catch-can style. Txawm li cas los, nws zoo nkaus li lub caij nplooj zeeg peb twb ua tau ib tug Cornish wrestling style match.


Dab-tshos thiab lub luj tshib Wrestler John McMahon los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

James Killain ntawm Troy, New York yog referee rau bout uas pib ntawm 08:50 p.m. Muldoon thiab McMahon ntsib rau tus tuav teb ua ntej yuav pib rau lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj. McMahon tau zoo raws li ntawm 5'10” thiab 190 phaus, tab sis yog kaum xyoo laus dua Muldoon. Tus 40 McMahon xyoo nyob ntawm lub cev, thiab kev disadvantage nrog Muldoon thawj lub caij nplooj zeeg.

Muldoon txawb McMahon ob this mus rau lub, uas muaj muaj nyias txheej cov ntaub pua tsev tuab stretched. McMahon tswj kom qoj dawb tab sis nws dim tau hais. Muldoon txawb nws mus dua ib zaug ua ntej ob lub tsib feeb thiab ntse yuam McMahon tus rau qhov ua lev.

Tom qab ib tug 15 so feeb, cov txiv neej tied rau lub McMahon kws. Nws mam li nrhiav ib pliag li yog Muldoon yuav yeej lub caij nplooj zeeg ob thaum nws lifted McMahon mus rau nws lub xub pwg nyom. McMahon dim hauv thiab ua kom zoo me ntsis dua warily proceeded. McMahon txawb Muldoon nrog rau ib qho chaw twg taw tiam sis tsis tau lub caij nplooj zeeg.

William muldoon

William Muldoon los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

Rau lawv khi thib peb tuaj. McMahon ntaus hauv tsev. Lub twist ntawm lub duav McMahon tus xa Muldoon mus rau nws lub xub pwg thiab lub duav ntsia saum qab nthab. Unsurprisingly, txhua tus txiv neej yeej nyob rau hauv lawv tej style.

Tus controversy sawv thaum lub caij nplooj zeeg thib peb uas yuav tsum tau ua yuav muaj nyob rau hauv plev Cornish wrestling lossis Sambo hnub no. Muldoon xav hnav ib cardigan, txhob siv cov tsho. Tom qab ob peb nres thiab pib, Muldoon pom zoo kom muab tso rau hauv ib lub tsho. Txawm li cas los, Muldoon pom lub tsho constricting li ntawd, nws tsis kam koom tes.

Killian hu ua tawm lub bout nyob ntawd txij nrog leej txiv neej muaj ib lub caij nplooj zeeg. Thaum kuv nyeem ntawv xov xwm mam, Kuv yuav tsum tau nug tau yog Muldoon twb ntshai poob rau lub caij nplooj zeeg peb thiab yog txoj kev nws tau tawm hauv lub bout.

Kuv xav tias tej zaum ntshai tsam poob rau lub caij nplooj zeeg peb rau ib tug laus challenger nrog kev ntau npaum li cas ib tug hluas tau zus ib tug. Txawm li cas los, Kuv tau muaj ib zaug uas ob peb qhov yuam kev no muaj txheej txheem ntawm txoj hau kev lub rau ib tseeb match.

Hauv no match, Muldoon thiab McMahon ntsia zoo winning rau lawv tus kws ceev ceev heev. Ob tug txiv neej yuav tau xav kom lub caij nplooj zeeg peb thiaj li yuav tau lub tsho controversy yog ib txoj kev rau cov txiv neej los extricate lawv tus kheej los ntawm cov ntais ntawv.

McMahon ntev tshaj li Muldoon wrestled. Nws nyob hauv retired 1891 thaum muaj hnub nyoog 50. Nws tuag nyob rau hauv 1912 tom 71.

Muldoon mus nyob tau ib lub America premiere trainers. He also served as a New York State Athletic Commissioner. Muldoon lived to the ripe old age of 81.

Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab, Twitter profile thiab Google+ nplooj ntawv.


William Muldoon: Tau txiv neej Conquers Wrestling thiab lub nyuas hauv paperback

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