插曲 37 – 茲比希科 VS. Gotch

在這一集, 我們討論斯坦尼斯勞斯·茲皮希科爭奪弗蘭克·戈奇世界冠軍頭銜的活動.


I give an update on my new book project on the early career of Ed “扼殺” 劉易斯.


It Was Almost Real 的播客藝術: 職業摔跤歷史播客

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Emil Klank, 弗蘭克·戈奇的經紀人, 招募史丹尼斯勞斯‧茲皮希科 (Stanislaus Zbyszko) 前往美國 1909 to wrestle current World Champion Frank Gotch.

Gotch won a controversial match in 1910. Gotch refused to give Zbyszko another title try despite Zbyszko being the number one contender for the next three years.


We review a ladder match between Buddy Matthews and Andrade El Idolo. AEW should fire whoever purchased the ladders.

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