Tus txiv neej tua tuag Middleweight vaj

Tom qab thaj tsam 9 fights ib xyoos li yav tag los 7 xyoo, Ntiaj teb Middleweight Boxing tau zus ib Stanley “Tus neeg tua neeg Michigan” Ketchel nyob sab lim. Ketchel muab ib so ntawm Missouri ranch ntawm nws cov phooj ywg R Vws. P. Dickerson nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev los tsam lub cav muab nws lub zog thiab tej yam txaus siab rau cov. Ketchel yeej tsis rov qab los so haujlwm raws li nws tau tua thiab tua nyob 24-xyoo-laus.


Stanley Ketchel nyob rau hauv 1910

Cov hluas tau zus ib xwb ces ib lub sij hawm tshwj xeeb rau ib fighter fought li ferociously. Lus dab neeg hais tias Ketchel siv nws txoj kev sib raug zoo nrog nws niam chaw sam roj nws npau taws rau fights. Ketchel imagined tus nrog sib ntaus nws tau insulted nws niam. Ketchel yuav nkag mus rau lub nplhaib thiab mus khob tawm tus nws nrog sib ntaus nrog txhua tshuab.

Txawm li cas los, yuav no style uas ntaus heev exhausting. Los ntawm 1910, tom qab ob peb xyoo tawv bouts uas muaj qhov zoo tshaj plaws hauv boxing ntawm welterweight los heavyweight, yog tus 24 xyoo fighter sab sab. Thaum tus phooj ywg Dickerson pom tias nws siv ob peb lub hlis hauv nws ranch so kom txaus thiab tsam lub cav muab nws vigor, Ketchel nkag pom zoo.

Rau qhov ranch, Dickerson ntiav ib tug ua noj uas hu ua Goldie Kurtz, nws lub npe tiag tiag yog Goldie Smith, thiab nws tus txiv Walter Kurtz. Smith twb tsis tau sib yuav rau Kurtz, nws lub npe tiag tiag yog Walter Dipley. Raws li cov tub ceev xwm tom qab tua neeg, Goldie Smith yog tus bigamist uas yuav ob zaug ua ntej. Txawm li cas los, nws yeej tsis yuav Dipley, uas nws tau ntsib ib lub hlis ua ntej yuav nkag mus ua haujlwm Dickerson.

Dipley thiab Smith tom qab tau thov Ketchel ua tej no yuav Smith xws li ib txhom tsoob allegation. Txawm li cas los, tej qhov chaw thov Ketchel laim Dipley kom txhob muaj ib tug txiv nees. Tsawg kawg yog ib qhov chaw tau thov Dipley los nyiag Ketchel.

Txawm muaj tej yam txoj, Goldie Smith coj Ketchel mus rau ib lub rooj zaum hauv chav nrog nws rov mus lub qhov rooj, thaum nws npaj nws noj pluag tshais. Walter Dipley nkag cov chav los ntawm lub qhov rooj uas ib phom loj thiab kom Ketchel pov tau nws ob txhais tes. Thaum twg Ketchel lwmtus thiab tsis kam tso saum nws ob txhais tes, Dipley squeezed the trigger and inflicted a fatal wound.


Stanley Ketchel nyob hauv nws tus prime

Ua ntej koj tawm hauv lub tsev mov, Dipley tawm tus .45 phom me caliber los ntawm Ketchel thiab khiav lub ranch. Dickerson muab ib $10,000 yam khoom plig rau Dipley tus capture, tuag los tseem ciaj sia. Qhov zoo ces kom Dipley, ib lub zos rancher coj nws mus rau hauv tus me nyuam ua ntej lub Dickerson posse ntes tau nrog nws.

Dickerson khiab tsev nyob muaj tsheb thiab neeg thiab coj Ketchel mus rau lub tsev kho mob Springfield. Nws twb lig dhau lawm ho. Tus tuag ntawm champ 7:00 p.m. hais txog 11 xuab moos tom qab nws yog txhaj rau lub kaum hli ntuj 15, 1910.

Stanley Ketchel yug Stanislaus Kiecal rau lub Cuaj hlis 14, 1886 rau cov niam txiv Polish Tomasz Kiecal thiab Julie Kiecal nee Oblinska. Tso Ketchel rau lub tsheb ciav hlau rov tuaj rau Michigan rau nws internment Dickerson.

Tus mus sib hais ntawm Walter Dipley thiab Goldie Smith yog nkawm nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 1911. Dipley thiab Smith twb sentenced rau lub neej nyob rau hauv tsev rau txim. Txawm yuav raug tawm Goldie Smith 17 lub hlis tom ntej, Kev Dipley 23 xyoo nyob rau hauv tsev rau txim.

Nyob hauv ntuj 1934, Tswv xeev Missouri Gus Parks tawm los nyob Dipley tom qab 23 xyoo nyob rau hauv tsev rau txim. R. P. Dickerson tseem furious thaum Dipley tawm rau neeg. Tej nuj nqis nws yuav tsis State Senator James A. Reed los qhia txog lub rooj sib hais uas yuam. Dickerson thiab Reed kuj hlo rau lub rooj sib hais uas yuam yav dhau los thiab ntse cia Dipley nyob rau hauv tsev rau txim. Walter Dipley nyob hauv tsev rau txim thiab nyob ntsiag to mus txog nws tuag nyob rau hauv 1956.

Nws untimely tuag xwb ntxiv rau cov lus dab neeg uas Stanley Ketchel. Nyob rau hauv nws cov prime murdered, cov boxing pej xeem yeej tsis pom tus Ketchel txawj yaig. Ketchel yuav nyob twj ywm rau hauv qhov kawg ntiaj teb Middleweight Boxing tau zus ib mus txog “Qab zib” Ray Robinson tuaj rau lub scene hauv lub 1940s.

Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab, Twitter profile thiab Google+ nplooj ntawv.

Qhov chaw: Lub sij hawm New York, Lub kaum hli ntuj 17, 1910 ib tsab, Cov me nyuam. Louis Dispatch tom qab, Lub kaum hli ntuj 17, 1910 ib tsab, Lub kaum hli ntuj 18, 1910 ib tsab, Lub ib hlis ntuj 22-24, 1911 khoom, Lub ib hlis ntuj 29, 1911 ib tsab, Tej zaum 24, 1934 ib tsab

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