Manassa Mauler udarci iz velikan v,,en,On predstavlja nevarnost za vsakogar, ki temelji na samo velikost,,en,Willard bi našli manjši Dempsey,,en,ki nikoli ni tehtal več kot,,en,funtov v formi,,en,je bilo več kot tekmo za velikana,,en,Dempsey je skoraj ustavil Willarda v prvem krogu,,en,Willard Vzdržljiva borili, vendar je imel zlomljeno čeljust,,en,več dislocirano zobje in drugi obrazne poškodbe,,en,Obtožbe so osumljeni, čeprav, kot je nikoli ni odpustil Dempsey za ga streljanje v 1920,,en,Dempsey je imel moč, da rezervne in ni bilo treba uporabiti tujo snov njegovih obloge,,en,Ta taktika bi stala Dempsey v svojem boju s Gene Tunney,,en,ko so se izvajali nova pravila boks,,en,usmerjanje borec v nevtralni kot za rasklapanje,,en 1919

Medtem ko je delal raziskave, Sem našel to sliko usposabljanja Manassa Mauler za njegovo 4. julij, 1919 Naslov boj z Jess Willard, World Heavyweight Boxing prvakov. Willard had knocked out the great Jack Johnson in 1915 to become champion. Willard je bil velikan človeka na 6’06” in 235 funtov. He posed a threat to anyone based on size alone.

Vendar, Willard entered the ring with Dempsey as a 37 year-old pugilist, a little long in the tooth. Willard was also challenging one of the most vicious finishers in boxing history. Willard would find the smaller Dempsey, who never weighed more than 190 pounds in shape, was more than a match for the giant.

Dempsey almost stopped Willard in the first round. Willard gamely fought on but had a broken jaw, several dislocated teeth and other facial injuries. Milostno, Willard’s corner did not let him come out for the fourth round.


Jack Dempsey urjenje za njegov boj z Jess Willard od julij 19, 1919 izdaja St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Po boju, Willard claimed Dempsey’s gloves were loaded. V 1964, “Doc” Kearns, Dempsey je nekdanji vodja, also claimed Dempsey’s gloves were covered with Plaster of Paris. Kearns’ accusations are suspect though as he never forgave Dempsey for firing him in the 1920s. Kearns gave the story to Sports Illustrated for their January 20, 1964 vprašanje.

The problem with this theory is Nat Fleischer, spoštovati ustanovitelj revije Ring, watched Dempsey’s hands being wrapped for the Willard fight. Fleischer was adamant Dempsey did not load his gloves. Willard preveriti tudi ročno obloge Dempsey pred bojem. Pesti Dempsey je bilo naloženo ni njegova rokavice.

Dempsey had power to spare and didn’t need to use a foreign substance on his wraps. If Dempsey’s gloves were loaded, Willard would have gone to the morgue. You can see the shock on guys face the first time they are hit by someone with incredible punching power like Chuck Liddell or Anderson Silva.

Če opazujete boj zgoraj, you notice the fight was fought under the old rules. Dempsey pustimo, da stoji čez Willarda namesto da bi šel nevtralni kot. On bi udaril Willard takoj, ko je visoko skočil na noge. This tactic would cost Dempsey in his fight with Gene Tunney, when the new boxing rules were implemented, directing a fighter to the neutral corner for a knockdown. Vendar, the Manassa Mauler mauled Willard in this fight under the old rules.

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