Muldoon tau cawm tawv Tilt nrog Whistler

Tus haib William Muldoon twb yog invincible li Greco-Roman ntiaj teb Wrestling tau zus ib. Only one man seriously challenged Muldoon during his dominant reign. The 165-pound Clarence Whistler consistently gave Muldoon his toughest challenges. Muldoon thiab Whistler ntsib rau hnub plaub, Kaum ib hlis 1, 1883 nyob San Francisco, California in one of their several matches.

William Muldoon twb yuav luag ib lub taub hau siab thiab weighed ntawm 190 thiab 225 phaus. Dua li no zoo kawg thiab loj disparity, the smaller but powerful Whistler used both speed and his own considerable strength to fluster Muldoon. Cov txiv neej rau yus $2,000 a side and the entire gate receipts for the event.

Tus journalist rau lub kaum ib hlis 2, 1883 ib tsab ntawm Muv Sacrament coj Muldoon mus ua hauj lwm rau “siv txiv npe nrov lately raws li txoj kev kawm.” The comment was a reference to Muldoon splitting his time between wrestling training and spreading his system of physical fitness through tours and stage performances.


Clarence Whistler Wrestling William Muldoon los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

The men entered the ring, shook hands and took to their corners. Thaum cov txiv neej tuaj mus rau lub chaw rau ib tie-up, Whistler tam sim ntawd ruaj ib sab nram qab tuav thiab coj Muldoon rau tagnrho fours. Whistler twb tsis tau tig Muldoon tab sis coj nws rov qab los rau pem teb ob zaug ntxiv tom qab Muldoon lwmtus.

Muldoon thaum kawg ua zaug cia rov tom qab. Muldoon lifted Whistler over his head only to be reversed by a neck hold flip, which almost scored the first fall for Whistler.

Tus Sacramento muv reporter claimed Whistler actually took the fall but Muldoon rolled off the platform taking Whistler with him before the referee could see the fall. Cov txiv neej txuas ntxiv mus rau hauv pem teb wrestling ua ntej yog lub referee tau cais cov txiv neej.

Muldoon lub vib nas this tau thov ib tug tsws lwj tiv thaiv Whistler rau thawb Muldoon txoj ceg, which was a clear violation of Greco-Roman rules. Any hold below the waist is banned. Tus referee puas tau tsis pub cov tsws lwj li tes hauj lwm tshwm sim tawm ntawm lub nplhaib.

After a few minutes confusion, the men returned to wrestling until Whistler attempted to lift Muldoon and fell backward. Muldoon pinned ob lub Whistler rau lub caij nplooj zeeg ntej tom qab 48 feeb nkaus. Leej txiv neej nqa ib so 10 feeb ua ntej resuming ntais ntawv.

Pheev kom tau pib lub caij nplooj zeeg ob Whistler yog. Whistler and Far ze ntog hauv thawj peb tug 15 feeb, tiam sis cov referee puas tsis hu ib yam ntawm cov kev uas yuav ntog near rau Whistler. Clarence Whistler yuav tsis raug tsis lees muab tiam sis. Tom qab kev nruam wrestling ntawm txog 42 feeb, Whistler txawm tsoo kaw kiag Muldoon mus rau nws rov mus xaus rau lub caij nplooj zeeg ob thiab khi tau.

Khaws tau uas tau kawm kev sib ntaus ntawm mus qus li cov Muldoon impervious twb poob ntog mus Whistler. Seb cov tshuaj tiv thaiv tib neeg coob tus khib nws los yog nws lub siab mob Whistler hau, William Muldoon would end this match in a brutal fashion.


Clarence Whistler los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

Tom qab ob peb feeb ntawm tsiv wrestling, Muldoon lifted Whistler dua nws lub taub hau thiab txawb nws ntawm lub lub taub hau hauv pem teb thawj zaug. Whistler kept his head from striking the floor but landed on his left shoulder. Whistler sim rov ke tab sis signaled rau lub referee tias nws tau raug mob los. Tus kws kho mob saib Whistler lub xub pwg thiab thiaj paub hais tias muaj ib tug rhuav lub xub pwg-hniav. Tus referee me ntais ntawv ib kos vim Whistler lub cev tsis txais ntais ntawv.


William Muldoon: Tau txiv neej Conquers Wrestling thiab lub nyuas hauv paperback

Muldoon protested tias nws yuav tsum tau txais cov khiav, tiam sis muab Whistler ib nrab ntawm cov $2,000, Thaum pej xeem xav muab rau nws. Txawm nws muaj zog qhia, Whistler twb tsis tau wrest lub npe ntawm tus Muldoon yav tom ntej. He continued to be Muldoon’s toughest challenger. They wrestled for 7 hours with no falls in one match.

William Muldoon yuav reign li tau tau zus ib rau 6 ntau xyoo ua ntej yuav retiring xeem America tus thawj celebrity tus kws qhia. Nws nyob hauv nws 80s thiab kawm ntau statesmen, athletes and celebrities at his New York state health farm Olympia. Mus txog hnub nws tuag, nws yuav single tawm Clarence Whistler li nws challenger toughest.

Vim li cas koj xav tias Muldoon txawb Whistler cia rau hauv nws lub xub pw? Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab los sis Twitter profile.

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