• шикат-повредува-омахони

    Епизода 30 – Шикат vs. О'Махони

    https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/b7uzv9/Episode_30abul2.mp3Подкаст: Игра во нов прозорец | DownloadIn this episode, разговараме за двојниот крст на Дик Шикат

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  • Топ-десет-легитимни-борец-книга-покривка

    Топ десет легитимни професионални борачи

    Кој е најголемиот легитимен професионален борач кој се борел во САД? Како

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  • левис-збиско-ракување

    Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio

    Ретко некој се фундаментално го менуваат својата професија, но Stanislaus Zbyszko го направија токму тоа на април,,en,Zbyszko поразен Вејн MUNN во еден од последните снимањето,,en,не изведена,,en,професионални борење натпревари во САД,,en,Тоа беше на снимањето или легитимни натпревар бидејќи Zbyszko двојно преминал,,en,промоција борење и победи MUNN за титулата,,en,Вејн MUNN беше ѕвезда фудбалер на Универзитетот во Небраска,,en,каде што неговиот,,en,фунти рамка беше необично пред стероиди ера,,en,Борење промотори Џејмс,,en,Mondt и Били Sandow,,en,заедно со светот во тешка категорија шампион во борење, Ед,,en,видов пари во голем спортист и покрај неговиот недостаток на способност борење,,en,Претставен како 6,,en,гигант,,en,Трио внимателно го совпаѓа со еден куп на помалку квалификувани борачи,,en,каде MUNN ќе го користи неговата големина и сила да,,en,поразот,,en,мажите,,en

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  • Том-Хајер-бокс-облик

    Том Hyer ритми Јенки Саливан

    Том Hyer освои американскиот голи зглоб Prizefighting првенство во 1841. Како и повеќето шампиони во наградната борба

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Passport to Suez (1943)


Во август 19, 1943, Columbia Pictures released Passport to Suez (1943). Warren William plays Michael Lanyard, the Lone Wolf, for the final time in this film (Филијалата линк). The film opens in Alexandria, Egypt, where Lanyard has just arrived. Lanyard meets up with his old friend Johnny Booth, a successful cafe’ owner. Сепак, Lanyard’s real purpose is a mission for

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Intro to Morrissey vs. Да


This post is an excerpt from the revised book Morrissey vs. Да: Политика, Prizefighting и убиството на Бил месарот. The hot air laid stagnant in the room as the man in the corner tried to sleep. Giving up on the possibility of sleep, the “Troy Giant” pulled himself into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

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Што значи ранг на црн појас значи?


I have spent a lot of time studying different rank systems. Системот за рангирање се чини дека е модерен концепт започнат од д-р. Jigигаро Кано, воспитувач, кој сакаше систем на оценување да ги оддели учениците. Во текот на следниот век, numerous styles adopted the belt rank system but the only commonality was the belt systems meant what the creator decided

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Lord Barrington Is Beaten Up


Thief. Liar. Bigamist. Con Man. Murderer. All accurate labels for one of the greatest charlatans to operate in St. Louis. “Lord F. Seymour Barrington” was a bit of a local celebrity, if an extremely disreputable one, during 1903. After conducting a bigamist marriage on the East Coast, “Lord Barrington” stole his wife’s trousseau and headed to St. Louis. When Barrington

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Rose Elker Slaps a Masher

едуард-магдалена и семејство

Rosa or Rose Elker was born in St. Louis on February 5, 1890. Aunt Rose was my great-grandmother, Magdalena Elker’s, youngest sister. Во саботата, Септември 22, 1906, the 16-year-old Rose was walking to her job at the Plows Candy Factory in St. Louis. Aunt Rose was walking about 8 am in the morning, when she started to cross the 18th

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Behind the Mask (1946)


Monogram Pictures released Behind the Mask (1946), the second of three films (Филијалата линк) based on the popular Shadow radio program, on May 25, 1946. “Б” Film leading actor Kane Richmond returns as Lamont Cranston, the alter ego of the mysterious Shadow. The film begins by following the activities a blackmailing newspaper reporter Jeff Mann, played by James Cardwell. After

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Collins Executed for Union Bank Robbery


This post is an unedited excerpt from my newest book to be released in Fall or early Winter 2017. William Rudolph’s trial delayed George Collins’ execution to later in the day on March 27, 1904. Нормално, executions occurred at dawn. Prior to being escorted to the gallows, Sheriff Bruch allowed Collins to say goodbye to Rudolph. Collins walked into the

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The Day American Martial Arts Changed


Ноември 12, 1993 at the McNichols Sports Arena in Denver, Colorado, a fourth degree black belt in the little known art of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (commonly called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the United States) cut through an eight man style versus style martial arts tournament. Royce Gracie would turn the martial arts world on its head. After his walk through the

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Pinkertons Capture William Rudolph


Over the next three weeks, I will be releasing posts, which are excerpts from the book I’m currently working on and one from a previously published book. The following unedited story is from the book I’m working on which will be released in the Fall or early Winter 2017. William Rudolph proved elusive after his Independence Day escape from the

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