Dellijiet Matul Chinatown (1946)


Meta Għoxrin Century Fox-ddeċieda li tinżel l-serje Charlie Chan wara Castle fil-deżert (1942), Sidney TOLER mixtrija d-drittijiet għas-serje u ħa biex Monogram Pictures. Wara li jagħmel 11 films bil Għoxrin Century Fox-, TOLER tagħmel 11 Films Charlie Chan bil Pictures Monogram. Dellijiet Matul Chinatown (1946) was the ninth film that Toler made for Monogram

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Langford Defeats Il GANS Gran


Fuq Diċembru 8, 1903, Sam Langford ġġieldu l boxing champion renjanti ħfief fil Hometown tiegħu ta 'Boston, Massachusetts. Qabel ġlieda Langford, esperti boxing aktar ħassew Joe GANS ma setgħux jiġu megħluba fi bout leġittimu. Imwieled fl Baltimore, Maryland, GANS kien kapaċi li jiksru l-barriera kulur mill jirbħu l-Lightweight Boxing Kampjonat Dinji. Sam Langford is often considered

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Juve vs. Fantomas (1913)


Juve vs. Fantomas (1913) is Louis Feuillade’s second film adaptation (link affiljat) of the popular crime series by Marcell Allain and Pierre Souvestre. Rene Navarre tilgħab l-irwol ta 'Fantomas u ħafna psewdonimi tiegħu. Edmund Breon ipinġi Ispettur Juve. George Melchior tilgħab l-irwol ta 'Jerome Fandor, ġurnalista żgħażagħ, li jassisti Juve fl-investigazzjonijiet tiegħu tal Fantomas. Juve and

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Chief Desmond Gets Assistent Ġdida


Nhar it-Tnejn, Diċembru 15, 1902, St. Louis Pulizija Assistent Kap ta 'ditektifs James H. Smith rtirati mill-dipartiment tal-pulizija biex tieħu pożizzjoni fl-industrija tal-faħam. Kap tal Ditektifs William Desmond attentat biex jikkonvinċu Smith li tissospendi iżda huwa ddeċieda li jirtiraw mill-forza bħala birthday erbgħin tiegħu avviċinat. Smith ikkumpilata rekord ifaħħarha bħala Assistant Desmond ta.

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Terror By Night (1946)


Universal Pictures released the thirteenth (link affiljat) of fourteen Sherlock Holmes films starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes on February 1, 1946. Twentieth Century-Fox produced the first two films. Universal produced the final 12 films. Terror By Night (1946) finds Holmes hired to protect the Star of Rhodesia diamond on a train bound for Scotland. Rodney Carstairs hires Holmes to

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Old Smoke Defeats Benicia Boy


John Morrissey claimed the World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship in a controversial bout with Yankee Sullivan in October 1853. After beating a murder charge for his participation in the murder of Bill “The Butcher” Biex, Morrissey decided to defend his title against John C. Heenan, “the Benicia Boy”. “Old Smoke” Morrissey defeated Heenan in the October 1858 bout held in

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St. Louis Police Nab Robber of Policeman


Nhar it-Tnejn, Marzu 5, 1900, St. Louis Police Officers Thomas Meagher and Thomas Degnan apprehended men who robbed an East St. Louis Officer of his gun. Ed Sullivan, a 22 year-old transient, robbed an East St. Louis Police Officer of his gun, jewelry and possessions in late February 1900. Officer Thomas Meagher observed Sullivan and Harry Davis walking near Olive

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