Tubsab pab ntes Killer

H. H. Holmes yog America tus thawj paub txog killer hauv lub ntsiab txhais niaj hnub lo lus. Ua Holmes “tus tua neeg tsev fuabtais”, lub tsev so Chicago thaum lub 1893 Chicago World's Fair.

Holmes yuav nws thiaj li yuav raug murders kaum rau tiam sis tej zaum yuav muaj murdered tshaj 100 tus neeg thaum nws lag luam ntawm lub tsev so. Yog dab tsi tsis zoo paub tias St. Louis tub ceev xwm Chief ntawm Detectives William Desmond yog muab cov ntaub ntawv uas yuav coj mus Holmes’ kev ntes.


Chief Desmond Article ntawm lub tshuab, Lub kaum hli ntuj 30, 1904 ib tsab ntawm tus me nyuam. Koom pheej Louis

Chief Desmond tau cov lus qhia vim nws hu continuing nrog Marion Hedgepeth, ib thaj outlaw yug hauv Missouri. Hedgepeth thiab nws cov neeg ntawm peb lwm tus txiv neej robbed muaj tsheb thiab neeg hauv qhov chaw Glendale ntawm cov me nyuam. Louis County rau lub kaum ib hlis 30, 1891.

Hedgepeth thiab txiv neej nws ntsib thaum 4244 Os dej dawb Avenue hauv tiaj chaw ua si tom hav zoov ntau koog tsev ntawm cov me nyuam. Louis faib cov nyiaj. Cov txiv neej ces khiav los mus rau California sib Salt Lake City.

Desmond thiab nws tus txiv neej nyob peb nyob tom tsev, uas raug muab rhuav ua ntej 1897. Desmond telegraphed ntau thaj tub ceev xwm saib xyuas. Hedgepeth thiab Adelbert Slye tau rov qab rau cov me nyuam. Louis rau mus sib hais. Cov ob lwm tub sab tau raug tua los ntawm thaj policemen.

Chief Desmond Staff confessions ntawm leej txiv neej, leej twg muaj txhaum thiab sentenced neesnkaum tsib xyoo hauv lub Missouri penitentiary. Chief Desmond nyob siab lub cordial acquaintance Hedgepeth thiab Slye los kom tau cov lus qhia txog lawv cov kev ua ub no. Marion Hedgepeth yuav muab tau ntau dua Desmond puas tau leej twg.


Herman Webster Mudgett aka H. H. Holmes

Thaum Hedgepeth raug rau cov me nyuam. Louis kaw rau ib lub rooj sib hais hais, nws cellmate yog ib lub tsev swindler hu ua H. M. Howard. Howard approached Hedgepeth txog kev tuav pov hwm dag lwj tug uas nws xav tau cov kev pab uas zoo chaw kws lij choj rau thiab tau cog lus $500 rau Hedgepeth kom nws pab.

Ntawm tej taw tes, Howard, yog leej twg ua tau killer, tubnyiag thiab bigamist Herman Webster Mudgett aka H. H. Holmes, qee yam nws ua si Chicago betrayed mus Hedgepeth. Thaum twg Holmes tejyam uas them Hedgepeth qhov pom zoo raws li qhov $500, Hedgepeth qhia Holmes sib tham kom Chief Desmond.

Chief Desmond wired to the Chicago Police, who discovered the remains of possibly hundreds of victims in the basement. Holmes tua feem coob poj niam tab sis ho tua ob peb cov txiv neej thiab cov me nyuam.

Pinkerton detectives trailed Holmes rau Philadelphia, qhov uas nws tau ntes rau 1894. Txhaum cuaj murders thiab tsib sim murders, nws tau sau nyob hauv Philadelphia tseg kuj yuav 7, 1896.

Rau cov lus uas nws muab, Marion Hedgepeth tau tawm los nyob ntawm tus tswv xeev Joe Folk hauv 1907 tom qab tej qho 14 xyoo nws 25 xyoo kab lus. Chief Desmond muab ib lo lus zoo rau Hedgepeth nrog tswv xeev Folk.

Zoo li ntau criminals ua ntej thiab vim hais tias, Hedgepeth yuav tsis mus ncaj nraim. Thaum ib tug attempted Chicago saloon nyiag rau tswv yim xyoo tshiab 1909, ib tug tub ceev xwm Chicago txhaj tshuaj thiab Sobre Hedgepeth. Hedgepeth yog ib yam ntawm cov phom ceev tshaj plaws nyob hauv lub voj West laus tab sis hnub nyoog (54) mob ntsws qhuav yees nws hu.

Chief Desmond txuas mus daws txhaum rau me nyuam. Louis tab sis fewer yuav loj dua rooj plaub ntawm H. H. Holmes. Kuv xav li cas Hedgepeth pab nws daws tau. koj xav li cas?

Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab, Twitter profile thiab Google+ nplooj ntawv.


Cover of The Sherlock Holmes of Saint Louis: St. Louis Chief ntawm Detectives William Desmond

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