St. Louis Police Nab Robber of Policeman

Hnub Monday, Lub peb hlis ntuj 5, 1900, St. Louis tub ceev xwm khiav Thomas Meagher thiab Thomas Degnan yuav txiv neej robbed tus tus East St. Louis Officer ntawm nws rab phom. Ed Sullivan, ib 22 xyoo nraum, robbed ib tus East St. Louis tub ceev xwm Officer ntawm nws rab phom, nyiaj-kub thiab ntawm cov kawm nyob lig 1900.

Officer Thomas Meagher cai Sullivan thiab Harry Davis taug kev los ze ntawm txiv roj thiab 4 txojkev. Meagher txoj kev yuav ua mus ntes tus uas leej txiv neej, tiam sis nws yuav luag raug nqi nws lub neej nws.


Cov me nyuam thaum ntxov. Louis Police paib tiv npe los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

Officer Meagher Central ntawv yog patrolling nws khiav ceev thaum nws cai Sullivan thiab Davis. Thaum cov txiv neej cai Officer Meagher, lawv tau sim “slink tawm” raws li txoj kev mus kotaw 6, 1900 ib tsab ntawm tus St. Koom pheej Louis. Meagher xwm txiav txim rau nws nres.

Yog hais tias hauj Meagher muaj raug tshawb Sullivan xub, nws yuav tsis tau raug tua, tiam sis nws muaj kev tsis muaj kev paub txog yog hais tias ib tug los yog ob leeg tau armed. Meagher nrhiav Davis xub. Thaum Meagher raug searching Davis, Ed Sullivan kuag ib .38 phom me caliber ntawm nws lub tsho thiab txhaj tshuaj tag cov Meagher hauv lub xub pwg.

Sullivan thiab Davis khiav ua Meagher txawm tias tiag pig raug rho tawm haujlwm nws phom me muab kev pab rau lawv. Meagher tseem chase lawv. Degnan neeg khiav dej num yog thaum nws muaj ob thiab kooj tshuab thaum nws hnov tej nqi.

Khiav ntawm txiv roj rau peb txoj kev, nws khiav mus ncaj rau hauv Sullivan thiab Davis ntawm lub ces kaum peb thiab txiv roj. Peb cov txivneej tsis tau tag tiam sis sai Degnan knocked phom ntawm Sullivan tus tes nrog nws tus pas hmo.

Sullivan tso saum nws ruaj ruaj mus tua tab sis yog subdued yog muaj tawm tsam haujlwm ib qho rau taub hau ntawm Degnan lub ntuj lo. Private Watchman hais tiag McTigue twb tau taug kev nrog Degnan thiab rho nws phom me hauv Davis surrendered tsis muaj kev sib ntaus.

Txawm tias Officer Meagher tau tiag raug mob, nws insisted rau mus taug kev rau cov txiv neej los rau ntawm lub box hu rau tom Washington Avenue 3rd txoj kev thiab cov. Tom qab tus soj ntsuam wagon khaws Sullivan thiab Davis, Meagher so hauv lub neighboring firehouse. Ib lub tsheb tos neeg mob muab Meagher rau cov nroog tsev kho mob kho.


Chief Desmond lub tshav ntawm Suspects los ntawm cov me nyuam. Koom pheej Louis

Chief ntawm Detectives William Desmond mas Ed Sullivan, leej twg txais nws tuaj rau robbing East St. Louis Sergeant Cooney, ib tsoom watchman thiab txiv neej li ob peb lub hlis dhau los. Sullivan yeej tsis implicate Davis sau rau hauv cov txhaum. Davis tau thov kom muaj los ntawm Toronto, Canada thiab tsuas mus xyuas me nyuam. Louis.

Officer Meagher lub shooting dim thiab yuav ua nws tus kheej mus Special Officer ntawm 1905. Officer Meagher was the officer who discovered the American Tent and Awning Fire that took the lives of several St. Louis Firemen. Meagher xwm yug rau hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 9, 1868. Nws siv nws hnub yug 34th recovering ntawm lub mos txwv qhov txhab ntawm nws lub tsev nyob N. Txoj kev thib cuaj.

Officer Meagher lived to October 4, 1926. Meagher neeg khiav dej num lawm ib tshooj hauv paug 58 xyoo. Chief Desmond yuav ua tau ntau ntau txhaum ua ntej nws hauj lwm tag.

Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab thiab Twitter profile.


Cover of The Sherlock Holmes of Saint Louis: St. Louis Chief ntawm Detectives William Desmond

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