la noche y la ciudad (1950)


At nearly 70 years of age, Stanislaus Zbyszko made his film debut in Night and the City (1950). Billed as Gregorious, a retired wrestler and the father of London’s wrestling promoter, Zbyszko displayed his wrestling skills, even at his advanced age, in the film’s signature scene. The movie begins with a man chasing Harry Fabian, a London hustler always looking

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Los Susurros Bat (1930)


En noviembre 13, 1930, Roland V. West released The Bat Whispers (1930) (enlace de afiliado), the talkie version of his silent classic, The Bat (1926). The film follows faithfully the script of the original. Sin embargo, West is able to experiment with film techniques like tracking shots, still a novelty in early sound cinema. Editing still dominated as the continuity and story

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The Lodger (1927)

The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927) es una de las primeras películas mudas de Alfred Hitchcock. It is based on the Marie Belloc Lowndes story and play based on the Jack the Ripper murders. Hitchcock directed the film (enlace de afiliado) en 1926; que fue lanzado en febrero 1927 en Londres. Lo hizo a los Estados Unidos en 1928. The film begins with the

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Expresionismo y Nosferatu (1922)


En marzo de 4, 1922, F.W. Murnau Nosferatu liberado (1922). Nosferatu (affilaite link) was Murnau’s adaptation of the Dracula novel by Bram Stoker. Murnau se olvidó de comprar los derechos para filmar la historia de la herencia de Stoker, que casi llevó a esta película que se perdió para filmar espectadores. La viuda de Stoker demandó con éxito a Murnau y la compañía cinematográfica alemana que produjo la película.

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Dr. Mabuse: The Gambler (1922)

Fritz-largo Thea-de-Harbou

Fritz Lang hizo una de sus películas de crímenes primeros en 1922. Dirigió el Dr.. Mabuse: The Gambler (1922) (enlace de afiliado), que se desarrolló de aproximadamente cuatro horas y treinta minutos. Cuenta la historia del Dr.. Mabuse, profesor de psicoanálisis. He is also the leader of a criminal ring in the mold of Professor Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes series. In

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Things to Come (1936)


H.g. Wells escribió la historia de lo que vendrá, which was turned into a film (enlace de afiliado) en 1936. La película se abre durante la Navidad 1940 en Everytown (obviamente Londres) justo antes del estallido de la guerra. La guerra dura casi treinta años antes “los aviadores” dirigido por Juan Cabal, un ex residente de Everytown, leads the survivors to victory over the

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Laura (1944): A Dark Tale of Love


Laura (1944) is the story of an ambitious young woman pulled into the middle of a murder investigation by both amorous suitors and jealous women. Laura Hunt, interpretado por Gene Tierney, is an advertising executive about to marry a shiftless seducer, Shelby Carpenter, portrayed by Vincent Price. To complicate matters, her aunt Anne Treadwell is in love with the seducer

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Inspector Hornleigh Goes To It


En mayo 17, 1941, Twentieth Century – Fox released the third and last Inspector Hornleigh feature film, Inspector Hornleigh Goes to It. The series blends comedy and crime drama to create a unique product. Gordon Harker plays Inspector Hornleigh, while Alistair Sims reprises his role as Sgt. Bingham. The film (enlace de afiliado) opens with Inspector Hornleigh dictating his memoirs to

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Inspector Hornleigh on Holiday (1939)


En diciembre 1, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox released Inspector Hornleigh on Holiday (1939), the second film in the three film series. Gordon Harker starred as Scotland Yard Inspector Hornleigh. The film opens in Brighton-on-the-Sea, where a storm has kept Inspector Hornleigh and his assistant Sergeant Bingham, played by Alastair Sim, inside for their first few vacation days. Following the rule in

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