Inspector Hornleigh (1939)


Al març de 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox Film Company released the first of the Inspector Hornleigh films, Inspector Hornleigh. Inspector Hornleigh is a Scotland Yard Inspector assisted in his investigations by Sergeant Bingham. Gordon Harker played Hornleigh, while Alastair Sim provides the comic relief as Sergeant Bingham. Inspector Hornleigh opens with the discovery of a murdered man in a local inn.

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Bulldog Drummond Contraataca (1934)


Bulldog Drummond Contraataca (1934) és una de les primeres produccions del segle XX a la sèrie de Bulldog Drummond. Aquesta pel · lícula encara seria considerat un llargmetratge amb Ronald Colman en el paper principal. Més tard pel · lícules Bulldog Drummond protagonitzada per John Howard eren “B” pel · lícules. Bulldog Drummond has just attended the marriage of his best friend Algie, portrayed by Charles Butterworth.

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The Return of Bulldog Drummond (1934)


British International Pictures (BIP) released The Return of Bulldog Drummond (1934) (affiliate link) d'abril 19, 1934. Ralph Richardson takes his only turn as the English hero Captain Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond. Drummond recently married long-time love interest Phyllis Clavering. Politics and the presence of old foe Carl Peterson intrude on Drummond’s wedded bliss. When Peterson kidnaps Phyllis, Drummond determines to

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Estudi en escarlata (1933)


Reginald Owen stars as Sherlock Holmes in one of the early American talking motion picture adaptations of Sherlock Holmes. Estudi en escarlata (1933) (affiliate link) sees Holmes trying to solve murders among a group of confederates. Arthur Wontner starred in several successful English adaptations of the series, which probably inspired Hollywood to follow suit. Desafortunadament, Reginald Owen did not

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