“Terrible” Terry Shows His Power

“Terrible” Terry McGovern proved to be a rare fighter at the turn of the Twentieth Century. While smaller boxers packed no power in their punches, McGovern, who scaled between 110 in 126 funtov, possessed tremendous knockout power. “Terrible” Terry often finished his opponents in the first four rounds.


“Terrible” Terry McGovern in His Boxing Prime

Julija 1, 1899, Brooklyn based McGovern met Chicago’s Johnny Richie at the Westchester Athletic Club in Tuckahoe, New York. Both men weighed 110 funtov, eight pounds under the bantamweight limit. The 19-year-old McGovern’s body was still developing. Within a year, McGovern would no longer be able to bring his weight under the bantamweight limit of 118 funtov.

The correspondent for the July 2, 1899 izdaja Indianapolis Journal noted Richie looked pale and drawn, while McGovern’s muscles looked full and his complexion was normal. Richie’s condition could indicate a rough weight cut but both men were well under the weight limit. None of the accounts of the fight indicate it was contracted for a weight of 110 funtov, so Richie could have simply been recovering from an illness.


“Terrible” Terry McGovern Posing with One of His Championships

“Terrible” Terry usually tried to knock his opponent out quickly. He didn’t make an exception for this match.

In the first round, Richie threw a left hook at McGovern’s head but missed. McGovern countered with a left to the head. McGovern’s blow missed but got Richie’s attention.

Richie started clinching McGovern every time he got close enough. This tactic played right into McGovern’s strength. McGovern let loose with a withering body attack every time he was clinched.

To begin the second round, McGovern planila po obroču in pristala na desno roko, ki razporedi Richie. McGovern slediti drugim desni strani vratu, ki je padla Richie.

Richie premagal število, vendar je že pred tem z drugo desno roko na glavo. Richie spet padla na tla. Richie imela opazno žilavost, ko je stal nazaj gor in se vrnil v boj. Na koncu drugega kitice,McGovern trotted nazaj v blatu, medtem ko je Richie pokazala opazna utrujenost.

McGovern imel pametne boksarske veščine, poleg svojega nenavadnega prebijanje moči. Sensing Richie ne bo več dolgo trajala, McGovern naj Richie prevzeti vodilno vlogo v tretjem in zadnjem krogu. McGovern in spolzki stranski stopil divje udarce Richie, dokler je videl svojo odprtino.

McGovern spodrsnilo neroden desno roko od Richie in preprečiti z močnim levo kljuko. Kot Richie razporedi pred posledicami udarca, McGovern slediti pravim predložku z brado. Richie padla, kot če strel, ki ga je topa.

Richie je pokazala ogromno žilavost, ko je skušal ponovno noge. Po njegovem drugem neuspelem poskusu, da bi povrnili noge, je padel obraz najprej v kup v svojem kotu. Sodnik šteje 10 in Richie kotiček takoj udeležil njihovega borec.

McGovern kmalu izpodbijala za svetovno Bantamweight boks prvenstvo v septembru 1899. Pred svojo kariero končal, boks ljubitelji mu velja za enega izmed najboljših featherweights vseh časov. Njegov ugled je bila zgrajena na predstave, kot je ta.

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