Níos mó buille ná lámhaigh


Scríobh mé an Fall Guys san am atá caite: Is foinse fhadhbach é The Barnums of Preab le Marcus Griffin. Cé go bhfuil eolas ón taobh istigh ag Griffin mar gheall ar a thréimhse in oifig ardú céime Buffalo sna 1930í, scríobh sé an leabhar ar mhaithe le díoltas a dhéanamh ar na tionscnóirí a scaoil é. Tá eolas fíorasach sa leabhar measctha le suimiúil

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McLaughlin Wrestles Bauer


Tá an t-idirdhealú ag James Hiram McLaughlin mar an chéad wrestler gairmiúil Meiriceánach. Le linn do dhaoine wrestled go proifisiúnta roimh McLaughlin, bhí sé ar an gcéad duine a ghnóthaigh slí bheatha ghairmiúil as wrestling. Thosaigh McLaughlin ag troid go proifisiúnta i 1860 ag 16 bliana d’aois ach chuir an Cogadh Cathartha isteach ar a ghairm bheatha ar feadh cúpla bliain. Thosaigh McLaughlin ag wrestling arís i 1866. De réir 1877,

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Dempsey KOs Carpentier


Ar Iúil 2, 1921 in Jersey City, New Jersey, reigning World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Jack Dempsey met light heavyweight boxing king Georges Carpentier. Boxing fans flocked to event resulting in the first million dollar gate in boxing history. The match would prove the old boxing adage, “A good big man always beats a good little man.” Cé go Georges Carpentier

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Déanann Jim Londos a Mharc


In the early 1920s, Thosaigh Christos Theofilou ag wrestling mar Jim Londos tar éis roinnt blianta mar an gimmicky “Plástar Wrestling”. Is dócha nár thuig Londos gurbh é an t-athrú ainm an chéad chéim chun é a bheith ar an tarraingt is mó d’oifigí na dticéad i gcorcaíocht ghairmiúil na 1930idí.. Ba é an dara céim a tháinig chun cinn mar wrestler príomhimeachtaí i St. Louis. Rugadh i

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Eustace Wrestles The Champ


Ar Iúil 4, 1922, Alan Eustace received his shot at the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion EdStranglerLewis. Eustace, the Kansas Champion, won a qualifying match with “Feirmeoir” Bailey in March 1922 to qualify for the match with Lewis. 31-year-old Eustace was the same age asStranglerLewis but Lewis was far more experienced. Debuting at 14 bliana d'aois,

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Pro Wrestling’s Bad Reputation


Since its emergence as a spectator sport in the second half of the 19th Century, promoters and wrestlers were under a cloud of suspicion that they were working their matches. While professional wrestling would eventually consist almost exclusively of staged exhibitions, many, if not most, of the matches were legitimate contest prior to 1915. Promoters and wrestlers went to great

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Jeffries KOs Corbett


On May 11, 1900, World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Jeffries fought his former employer James J. Corbett. Corbett held the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship in the early 1890s. Corbett hired the powerfully built Jeffires to help him prepare for his title challengers. Jeffries went on to win the world title from the man, who beat Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett

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Renato Gardini Arrives in 1915


In early 1915, Sam Rachmann promoted the New York International Wrestling Tournament with the intention of replacing retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. Rachmann believed no one could defeat Aleksander “Alex” Aberg, Rachmann’s handpicked successor to Gotch, in Greco-Roman wrestling. Rachmann’s challenge was catch-as-catch-can was the dominant wrestling style in America. To get around this challenge, Rachmann recruited international

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Browning Campaigns in Kansas


In 1922, future World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Jim Browning began his career in Kansas. Browning moved from his hometown of Verona, Missouri in 1921 to train for a professional wrestling career. Tom Law, the Wichita, Kansas promoter, oversaw Browning’s training. By May 1923, Browning was already in the main event at smaller shows. On an Augusta, Kansas card, Browning wrestled

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