Zbyszko Double Crosses Trio


Redko pa eno bistveno spremenijo svoj poklic, ampak Stanislaus Zbyszko storil prav to aprila,,en,Zbyszko premagala Wayne Munn v eni od zadnjega snemanja,,en,ne uprizorjena,,en,profesionalna rokoborba tekme v Združenih državah Amerike,,en,Bilo je ustrelil ali legitimno tekmo, ker Zbyszko dvojno prekoračen,,en,promocija rokoborba in premagal Munn za naslov,,en,Wayne Munn je bil zvezda nogometaš na Univerzi v Nebraski,,en,kjer je njegova,,en,funt okvir je bil nenavadno pred steroid dobe,,en,Predlagatelji Wrestling James,,en,Mondt in Billy Sandow,,en,skupaj s Svetovno Težji Wrestling prvak Ed,,en,Videl denar v veliki športnik kljub pomanjkanju wrestling sposobnosti,,en,Zaračunano kot 6,,en,velikan,,en,Trio ga skrbno ujema s kupom manj kvalificiranih rokoborcev,,en,kjer Munn bi uporabil svojo velikost in moč,,en,poraz,,en,moški,,en 15, 1925 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Zbyszko defeated Wayne Munn in one of the last shoot (not staged) professional wrestling matches in the United States. It was a shoot or legitimate match because Zbyszko double crossed the “Goldust Trio” napredovanje v rokoborbi in premagal Munna za

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Sam Langford z nokautom Battlina’ Jim Johnson


V torek, December 12, 1916, Sam Langford je branil “Colored World Heavyweight Boxing Championship”, februarja ga je osvojil od Sama McVea 1916. Med 1904 in 1919, najboljši afroameriški boksarji, ali črni Kanadčani, kot je Langford, obtičali v boju drug proti drugemu “Barvna” prvenstvo. Če bi se beli borec boril z njimi, šlo je le za razvoj lastnega ugleda

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Jeffries je nokautiral Jacksona


James J. Jeffries je dominiral v ameriškem boksu v težki kategoriji od 1899 za 1904. Potem ko je Bob Fitzsimmons osvojil naslov svetovnega prvaka v boksu v težki kategoriji v 1899, Jeffries naredil 9 uspešne obrambe naslova v naslednjih petih letih. Upokojil se je neporažen v 1905 preden bo zvabljen nazaj za nesrečen povratek proti velikemu Jacku Johnsonu. Jeffries svojih dvobojev ni dobil z vrhunskim boksanjem

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How Did Alex Aberg Die?


I decided to start 2020 by using two examples from professional wrestling to discuss why you would change a historical account you wrote in the past. In writing history, you are limited by the available sources on the subject matter. Primary sources like diaries, official records and autobiographies are very valuable. Other sources like newspapers are good as well but

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Ali Lewis Poraz pijani Wrestler?


Evan “Strangler” Lewis was a scary competitor. Although he was not a large man at 5’09” and weighed 170 funtov, Lewis’ mastery of submissions made him an equal or better of most wrestlers of his era. Jack Carkeek was a terrific wrestler but one match with Lewis almost caused him to retire. Lewis’ reputation was strongly related to his feared

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Lewis Takes Title Back from Munn


On the same day Joe Stecher wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the recognized version of the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in St. Louis, In “Strangler” Lewis challenged “Big” Wayne Munn for his disputed Michigan-Illinois World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Lewis dropped the title to Munn in February 1925. In April 1925, Zbyszko defeated Munn in a famous double-cross. The match between Lewis and

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Fitz Dethrones Corbett in 1897


Marca 17, 1897, current World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Corbett entered the boxing ring at Carson City, Nevada. Corbett faced the challenge of former middleweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett entered as the favorite enjoying both an almost twenty pound weight advantage and slick boxing skills. “Ruddy Robert” as Fitzsimmons was sometimes known won the World Middleweight Boxing Championship in

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