Whistler Wrestles Dufur nan New York


Nan Jedi, Mas 31, 1881, 200 fanatik yo te filtre nan Turnverein Hall New York la pou yo gade Clarence Whistler ap lite Henry Moses Dufur nan yon match lit twa sou senk tonbe ak tou de luteur yo te mete jakèt.. Pwomotè yo te itilize règ yo ak jakèt pou menm chans pou chak wrèstle genyen. Clarence Whistler espesyalize nan lit Greko-Women. Whistler te pran World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion

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“Kiltivatè” Burns tren Jeffries


Lè gwo Jack Johnson la te bat Tommy Burns pou chanpyona mondyal boksè pwa lou, etablisman boksè a te kòmanse chèche yon "espwa blan" pou defèt Johnson. Nan dezespwa jwenn yon moun pou defèt Johnson, pwomotè yo ak ekriven espò yo te kòmanse fè lobby sou ansyen chanpyon mondyal pwa lou James J. Jeffries pou mete fen nan retrèt li al goumen Johnson. Jeffries te pran retrèt san defèt nan 1905. After

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Episode 70 – Film pèdi


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/gwes2cubjemajn78/Episode_708px2e.mp3Podcast: Jwe nan fenèt | DownloadIn this episode, Mwen diskite sou fim nan dènyèman dekouvri nan 1908 match ant George Hackenschmidt ak Joe Rogers. Mizajou Mwen bay yon mizajou sante sou Dann epi pale sou orè podcast k ap vini an. Main Content Yon konpayi fim fèk retabli yon 1908 fim lit ant George Hackenschmidt ak Joe Rogers, Pati 1 ak

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Episode 69 – Ala bon sa bon Halloween


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/ezswfi6nskgzp6hb/Episode_69arvtq.mp3Podcast: Jwe nan fenèt | DownloadIn this episode, nou diskite sou Martin “Kiltivatè” Burns fòmasyon James J. Jeffries pou batay li ak Jack Johnson nan mwa Jiyè 4, 1910. Aktyalizasyon Dan ak mwen pale sou nouvo pwojè mwen an ak kijan yon ekriven anvan an te dekri tit mondyal Joe Stecher a enjisteman. 1925 to 1928. Tirè nan yon mond travay ki disponib

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Asasen Dill (1947)


Sou Out 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions te pibliye Killer Dill (1947), yon fim krim ke wrèstle pwofesyonèl Mike Mazurki jwe "Little Joe", yon kokenn k ap jwe toulède pati yon gang. Stuart Erwin jwe kòm Johnny "Killer" Dill, yon designer lenjri ak vandè, moun ki fè erè pou yon gangster. Apre aksidantèlman enplike tèt li nan yon lagè gang, l '

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Londos Wrestles nan Teyat Odeon


Jim Londos developed into professional wrestling’s biggest box office star during the 1930s. Londos wrestled main events against Ed “Strangler” Lewis and Jim Browning at baseball stadiums. These matches drew crowds of more than 30,000 fans for the first time since the second Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt in 1911. When Londos wrestled in Greece, Londos drew crowds estimated to be at

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Episode 68 – Kòmanse yon Pwomosyon


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/w8xx4379qy8ai3ti/Episode_68be7jw.mp3Podcast: Jwe nan fenèt | DownloadIn this episode, I discuss the beginnings of the regular St. Louis wrestling promotion in 1921. I also discuss the Mr. McMahon documentary on Netflix. Update Due to illness and medical appointments, we are a little late on releasing the episode this week. Tirè nan yon mond travay: John Pesek and the 1920s Promotional

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