Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste. Sonnenburg nan 1930

Pi ansyen fim lit ki egziste

Nan mwa janvye 30, 1930, Gus Sonnenberg defended his AWA World Title, based in the Boston promotion of Paul Bowser, in Boston Arena against former world champion Joe Stecher. Two minutes of film survived from the hour-long match. Gus Sonnenberg traded on his celebrity as a professional football player to become a wrestling star. Sonnenberg helped the Providence Steam Roller win

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Asasen Dill (1947)


Sou Out 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions te pibliye Killer Dill (1947), yon fim krim ke wrèstle pwofesyonèl Mike Mazurki jwe "Little Joe", yon kokenn k ap jwe toulède pati yon gang. Stuart Erwin jwe kòm Johnny "Killer" Dill, yon designer lenjri ak vandè, moun ki fè erè pou yon gangster. Apre aksidantèlman enplike tèt li nan yon lagè gang, l '

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Sou entènèt jwèt Shadow of the Thin Man (1941)


Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) lage Shadow of the Thin Man (1941) an Novanm 1941. Youn nan fim yo pita Thin Man (lyen afilye), fim nan gen vignettes enteresan pou fanatik lit. Nick Charles, played by William Powell, yo rale nan yon ankèt eta a nan yon bag jwèt aza lokal. De pwomotè lit lokal yo kouri bag jwèt aza, ki se atis imite lavi si

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Episode 47 – Londos vs. Carnera


https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/4gvdnq/Episode_477tfz4.mp3Podcast: Jwe nan fenèt | DownloadIn this episode, nou diskite sou karyè Jim Londos ak Primo Carnera ki mennen nan yon revizyon nan 1950 match lit. Mizajou Nou kòmanse ak yon mizajou sou orè anrejistreman nou an. Youn nan ekip la se sou rezèv la blese, donk nou pral anrejistre sou Skype pou pwochen epizòd yo.

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SailorArt Thomas vs. Ray Zills


When thinking about African American history month, I thought about the first great Black wrestler that I saw personally. When I started watching wrestling in St. Louis during 1979, “SailorArt Thomas wrestled regularly on Wrestling at the Chase, our local weekly wrestling show. Wrestling at the Chase aired every Sunday at 11 a.m. on KPLR Channel 11. Although Thomas

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Lewis lage Tit Sonnenberg


EdStranglerLewis is one of the top two American professional wrestlers of all-time. While Lewis was a legitimate submission wrestler, who could beat anyone in a wrestling contest, he worked almost exclusively in prearranged exhibition matches. Nan 1929, he took part in a match with professional football player turned wrestler, Gus Sonnenberg. Sonnenberg was on the Providence Steam Roller,

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Londos Wrestles Coleman ak Shikina


Mwen fèk dekouvri yon clip twa minit sou YouTube, ki enkli de nan Jim Londos’ alimèt soti nan ane 1930 yo. Nan premye match la, Londos lite Abe Coleman. Nan dezyèm match la, Londos lite yon match estil melanje ak Oki Shikina, ki te fòme pa Taro Miyake, senti nwa judo a ak wrèstle pwofesyonèl. Londos te pi gwo zetwal nan bwat

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Londos vs. Nagurski nan 1938


Sou Novanm 18, 1938, ansyen chanpyon mondyal lit Jim Londos lite aktyèl chanpyon mondyal Bronko Nagurski, gwo ansyen jwè foutbòl pou Chicago Bears. Mesye yo te lite nan Philadelphia, Pennsylvania pou vèsyon Nagurski a nan chanpyona mondyal la lit. Ou ka wè match 14 minit la an antye sou YouTube. Lè mwen wè match la pou premye fwa, several

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Wouye Wescoatt, Atletik ak aji


Li te fèt Norman Edward Wescoatt nan Hawaii nan mwa Out 2, 1911, "Rusty" Wescoatt te jwe foutbòl pou University of Hawaii anvan li te fè premye lit pwofesyonèl li nan Hawaii pandan 1933. Wescoatt te tou yon chanpyon naje. Okòmansman, Wescoatt te fè plis nouvèl pou naje li pase lit li lè li te vwayaje nan kontinantal Etazini an. 1935. Nan Dimanch Pak, Avril

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Night and the City (1950)

zbyszko-k ap travay-zòtèy

Nan prèske 70 ane ki gen laj, Stanislaus Zbyszko te fè premye fim li nan Night and the City (1950). Faktire kòm Gregorious, yon wrèstle retrete ak papa pwomotè lit Lond la, Zbyszko montre konpetans lit li, menm nan laj avanse li, nan sèn siyati fim nan. Fim nan kòmanse ak yon nonm k ap kouri dèyè Harry Fabian, yon London hustler toujou kap

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