Шпанскиот Кејп Мистерии (1935)


Шпанскиот Кејп Мистерии (1935) is an adaptation of one of the Ellery Queen novels. Две братучеди, Фредерик Dannay и Манфред Ли, кој напишал голем број на детективски романи под псевдонимот на насловниот лик. Во овој филм, Ellery кралицата е со земање на одмор во Калифорнија со неговиот пријател судија Macklin. Се разбира,, they are not long into their

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Dan Daly Beats Ed Kelly


In December 1920, robbers killed Patrolman Charles Daly at the entrance to his home in the 4000 block of Forest Park Boulevard. St. Louis Police aggressively investigated the murder but it was never solved. Prior to his death, the Daly name was already well-known in St. Louis. Charles Daly was the son of professional prizefighter Dan Daly, who fought in

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The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935)


The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes (1935) is one of the five Sherlock Holmes films starring Arthur Wontner as Sherlock Holmes. Director Leslie S. Hiscott adapted the Sherlock Holmes novel The Valley of Fear but added to the story to give Professor Moriarty and Col. Sebastian Moran roles in the story. A significant portion of the movie is the retelling of

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Jake Kilrain Boxes to a Draw


While famous for fighting John L. Sullivan in the last world championship prizefight contested under bare knuckle rules, Jake Kilrain also took part in many gloved bouts. Prizefighting was transitioning from bare knuckle rules to gloved bouts under the Marquess of Queensberry Rules (early amateur and professional boxing) in the late 19th Century. Like Sullivan, Kilrain would fight in major

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Was Lewis or Gotch Better?


Во јануари 1921, Ad Santel started a minor controversy by claiming Ed “Strangler” Lewis was a better wrestler than the late Frank Gotch. Santel trained with both Gotch and Lewis, so he did have an insider’s knowledge. Was he right though? Gotch was the last Undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Gotch won the title by defeating the great Georg Hackenschmidt.

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Пол Понс, Творецот на борење ѕвезди


Пол Понс беше грчко-римски стил шампион на Франција во 1890-тите. Тој го освои турнирот на Folies-Bergeres пред освојување на турнирот во Русија во 1898. These victories allowed him to claim the World Greco-Roman Wrestling Championship. Понс капитализирани на овој озлогласен, преку отворање на салата да се обучуваат борачи и силни мажи. Pons’ victory was particularly remarkable because of

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Прилично момче St Флојд. Луис грабеж

прилично момче-Флојд-mugshot

Во 1934, Чарлс Артур “Убаво момче” Флојд заврши својата криминална кариера во Источна Ливерпул, пченка поле Охајо по пука со агенти на ФБИ и локални службеници за спроведување на законот. Сепак, во декември 1925, тој беше затвореник број 29078 во Мисури Казнено. На 21-годишниот Флојд штотуку беше осуден за грабеж на главната канцеларија Kroeger Минимаркети и спецификации на компанијата

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Suspects But No Murderers


Октомври 16, 1920, Special Officers Preston Anslyn and William A. Moller were following two burglars in the 3800 block of Juanita Avenue during a heavy fog. One or both burglars shot the officers from a gangway as they walked onto the lawn of a house, where they thought the burglars entered. The officers both suffered fatal wounds, кој уби

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Appointment with Danger (1950)


I’m continuing with watching some old Alan Ladd movies that I first saw thirty years ago on American Movie Classics (AMC), when they showed classic movies. I recently watched Appointment with Danger (1950), which was as entertaining as I remembered it. Paramount Pictures го објави Apointment with Danger (Филијалата линк) in London in 1950 но не го објави во Јунајтед

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Detective Desmond Closes Pawn Shop


Running a pawn shop has always been a tough business because you constantly have to be on the look out for thieves attempting to pawn their stolen goods in your shop. In the late 19th Century, police detectives worked with pawn shops, as they do today, to try to stop the fencing of goods. In August 1885, future St. Louis

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