Alexander Baptiste Passes at 100


Dwar Settembru 15, 1919, St. Louis citizens woke up to read about the death of one of their oldest citizens, Alexander Baptiste. Just a few months before his 101st or 102nd birthday depending on which source you believed, Alexander Baptiste passed away from intestinal disease. Għal snin, Alexander was known as one of the fittest St. Louisans. An early advocate

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“Terrible” Terry Shows His Power


“Terrible” Terry McGovern proved to be a rare fighter at the turn of the Twentieth Century. While smaller boxers packed no power in their punches, McGovern, who scaled between 110 u 126 liri, possessed tremendous knockout power. “Terrible” Terry often finished his opponents in the first four rounds. Fuq Lulju 1, 1899, Brooklyn based McGovern met Chicago’s Johnny Richie at

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Evan Lewis strangles Tom Cannon


Fuq Awissu 26, 1886, Evan “Strangler” Lewis iltaqa il Wrestling British Champion Tom Cannon fil Cincinnati, Ohio. Matul l-era lotta leġittimu, wrestlers oħra beżgħu l Lewis qawwija minħabba ħakma tiegħu. Lewis impjegat strangle arterjali karotide magħrufa bħala l-ċowk mikxufa wara fil Judo. Mill-inqas dan kien dak li oriġinarjament ħsibt u l-biċċa l-kbira tal-istoriċi kkwotaw. Moderna

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Julius W. Johannpeter, Pijunier tal-Ajru


L-ewwel kuġin tan-nannu, Julius W. “Joe” Johannpeter, kien wieħed minn St. Louis’ pijunieri tal-ajruplan. Julius, li kien magħruf fil-familja bħala “Punks”, ingħaqad mal-Gwardja Nazzjonali tal-Ajru f’nofs is-snin għoxrin. Kien jiġi kkummissjonat bħala Logutenent. Julius tajjar ajruplani kemm għall-korp tal-ajru militari kif ukoll ċivili. Ħafna mill-irġiel fl-unità tiegħu, li kien jinkludi lil Charles

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William Rudolph and Union Bank Robbery


Matul l-aħħar ġimgħa ta 'Diċembru 1902, William Rudolph, minatur lura riċentement biex Franklin County, u George Collins insterqu l-Unjoni Bank fl-Unjoni, MO. Huma insterqu matul il-lejl, meta l-ebda wieħed kien preżenti mill blowing up-periklu. Rudolph returned to his parents’ cabin in Stanton, MO. He and his accomplice hid out until the Franklin County Sheriff

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Russian Civil War Snags Aberg and Lurich


Estonia gave birth to three of the greatest wrestlers of the first two decades of the 20th Century: Georg Lurich, George Hackenschmidt and Aleksander “Alex” Åberg. As part of the Russian Empire at the time, Estonia contained a number of elementary and high schools with superior physical education programs. Lurich and Hackenschmidt both started out as weightlifters and transitioned into

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