Stanislaus Tours Zbyszko fil 1910

Fl-aħħar 1909, Stanislaus Zbyszko vvjaġġaw lejn l-Istati Uniti biex jisfidaw World Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Frank Gotch. Qabel laqgħa Gotch, Zbyszko daret l-Istati Uniti u battled wrestlers lokali ħafna matul il-parti bikrija ta ' 1910. Zbyszko l-ivvjaġġar 37,000 mili.


Stanislaus Zbyszko mill-Public Domain

Kmieni fil-tour tiegħu, Zbyszko iltaqa Frank Gotch fil-logħba handicap. Zbyszko defeated Gotch, who was unable to throw him, in a non-title match. The validity of this match is questionable though. Gotch would sometimes lose non-title matches but crush the challenger in the title match. Wrestling correspondents believed Gotch sometimes threw matches to build interest and increase the gate receipts in the title fights.

When Zbyszko landed in America in October 1909, he weighed in at 272 liri. After six months of touring, Zbyszko weighed 228 liri. In March 1910 alone, Zbyszko wrestled 8 legitimate contests in Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Zbyszko had one of his toughest matches with Dr. Ben Roller in Kansas City, Missouri on March 22, 1910. Zbyszko wrestled Roller to a 2 hour and 17 minute draw without a pin being scored. Dr. Roller did better during the first hour but Zbyszko took over in the second hour. Both men resorted to rough tactics but neither man could score an advantage. Kansas City Police stopped the bout after it became apparent neither man would score a fall.


Frank Gotch mill-Public Domain

Zbyszko met Gotch in June 1910 but was defeated in two straight falls. Gotch did not prove himself a gentlemen however. Gotch scored the first fall by tackling Zbyszko off the hand shake to start the match. Zbyszko did eventually become champion in 1926 in a double cross.

Billi 1926, promoters prearranged match results but Zbyszko beat and pinned the champion Wayne Munn in a double cross that would have made Frank Gotch proud. Stanislaus Zbyszko became a world champion in his own right.

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