The Crime Doctor’s Courage (1945)


Warner Baxter returns for a fourth time as Dr. Robert Ordway in The Crime Doctor’s Courage (1945). The newly married third wife of Gordon Carson asks Dr. Ordway to look into his first two wives’ mysterious deaths. Authorities declared both cases to be accidents. Kathleen Carson, played by Hillary Brooke, has begun to doubt the official verdict. Doktè. Ordway arrives

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Charlie Chan in the Scarlet Clue (1945)


Wouj siy lan (1945) is the fifth of eleven Charlie Chan films Monogram Pictures produced after Twentieth-Century Fox cancelled the series in 1942. Sidney Toler te fè onz fim pou ventyèm syèk Fox anvan ou deplase seri a monogram. After Toler died in 1947, Roland Winters took over the role for seven more films. Nan sa a fim, Inspector Charlie Chan discovers a

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1802 N. Jefferson Gone


1802 N. Jefferson Avenue was a two-family flat built in 1890 and located in the St. Louis Place neighborhood. I originally wrote about the building in 2013 but it was demolished sometime before March 2015. The building is part of an area being developed for a government complex in St. Louis, so it was not able to be saved. These pictures are

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Charlie Chan nan Pari (1935)


Charlie Chan nan Pari (1935) se yon lòt antre nan seri a kòmanse Warner Oland kòm Charlie Chan. Charlie se retounen nan ankèt London l ', lè li kanpe nan Pari pou yon vakans. Aktyèlman, vakans lan se yon kouvèti pou envestigasyon li nan lyezon fòje nan Lamartine Bank la. Charlie installed an undercover agent named Nardi but the gang kills Nardi

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Two Ruffians Beat Officer


Nan Jedi, September 9, 1875, George “Mitchell” Gassert and William Salisbury went to Fred Fisher’s Saloon at the corner of N. Jefferson and Morgan (Delmar today). After ordering drinks, the two young men of unsavory reputation refused to pay for their drinks. After trying to illicit payment, Fisher summoned St. Louis Police Officer John Cummings. Officer Cummings, assigned to the

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