Цард Нигхт ат Еллис Хоме


У касним 1960-их и раних 1970-, моји баба и деда се користи да буде домаћин месечну партију картице са три баке Еллис’ сестре и њихови мужеви. Стриц Тони и тетка Агнес Гираудо, Uncle Oscar and Aunt Dorothy Von Berg along with Uncle Art and Aunt Betty Clemmings would join Grandma and Grandpa to play Pinochle. Each family would host one

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Врестлинг у 1904 Суммер Олимпицс ин Ст. Лоуис


У петак, Октобар 14, и субота, Октобар 15, 1904, 42 рвачи у 7 Часови тежина састали у првих Олимпијских игара у спорним методу слободним стилом. Претходне Олимпијске игре су оспорила у грчко-римском стилу рвања. The 1904 Суммер Олимпицс одржан у сарадњи са 1904 Светска изложба у Ст. Лоуис, МО. Свети. Louis was well-represented in

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Legend of Chief Two Feathers


На дан 23, 1903, Frank Gotch traveled to Bellingham, Washington to take on a 6’05”, 215 pound Native American wrestler from Montana. Wrestling fans in the area considered Chief Two Feathers to be unbeatable. Frank Gotch was not impressed with his reputation but he gave Gotch the most uncomfortable 15 minutes of his young career. Chief Two Feathers entered the

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Perfect Practice Makes Perfect


Last week, it was testing preparation at Willow Martial Arts. We went through the walking drills, forms and self-defense required for Taekwondo testing. As I observed the students preparing, I remembered a statement Master Pat Weseman often told me when I was a colored belt preparing for my next Taekwondo test. “Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.”

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Gentleman Jim KOs Boston Strong Boy


Џон Л. Sullivan had dominated the prize ring during his career. Possessing a record of 40 wins, no losses and two draws, “The Boston Strong Boy” was considered invincible. Sullivan won the world championship in 1882 and dispensed all challengers culminating with the Fight of the Nineteenth Century with Jake Kilrain. After defeating Kilrain in this epic bout, Џон Л.

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Streetcar Strike Claims First Victim


У среду, Мај 9, 1900, Други дан Ст. Луј Трамвај штрајк, залутали метак убио Франк Лиебрецхт. Френк Лиебрецхт, Шпанско-амерички ратни ветеран, је гледао штрајк митинг на углу Финнеи и Н. Тејлор авенији. Током митинга, some in the crowd observed the last two streetcars for the day coming down the tracks about a

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Why We Use Canes


Most self-defense programs are made up of striking or grappling techniques. A few self-defense systems use techniques from both. Striking and grappling techniques can both be effective but sometimes a defender needs an equalizer. Policeman carry night sticks and tasers for this reason. The laws of the United States ban most weapons but one tool legal to carry anywhere is

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Sullivan Wins Fight of the 19th Century


Џон Л. Саливен је био прелазни тешкој категорији награда борбе шампион. He transitioned prize fighting from the bare knuckle era to modern boxing under the Marquis of Queensbury rules by refusing to fight in any more non-gloved bouts. Before he made this pledge, he took part in the Fight of the 19th Century with the formidable Jake Kilrain. Jake Kilrain was

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