Detective Desmond Gets His Men

چیف ڈیسمنڈ - کارنامے

Before he became St. Louis Chief of Detectives in 1890, William Desmond plied his trade as a Detective with the St. لوئس میٹروپولیٹن پولیس ڈیپارٹمنٹ. During February 1890, Detective Desmond’s persistent efforts to locate two confidence men paid off with the arrest of both men. “Kinch” Keegan and “Thatch” Grady were brother-in-laws and accomplices in several confidence games. جنوری

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مسٹر. Moto Takes a Vacation (1939)

پھر بھی-شکریہ-مسٹر موٹو

On July 7, 1939, Twentieth Century-Fox Films released the final Mr. موشن “بی” film starring Peter Lorre as Inspector Kentaro Moto. مسٹر. موٹو ایک چھٹی لے کر مسٹر کو ڈھونڈتا ہے۔. Moto accompanying the Queen of Sheba’s Crown from its discovery in an Egyptian archaeological site to a San Francisco museum. مسٹر. Moto suspects the arch criminal Metaxess, who authorities believed was dead, ارادہ رکھتا ہے

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Hotel Sneak Thief Captured

چیف ڈیسمنڈ - کارنامے

During the Gilded Age and for several decades after, سینٹ. Louis had the distinction of being the largest city west of the Mississippi River. Pickpockets and thieves rode the rails to ply their illicit trade in the bustling metropolis. On September 21, 1901, hotel employees overpowered a sneak thief, who attempted to burglarize a room in the plush Southern Hotel.

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Are Forms Important for Martial Arts?

زیمر مین اکیڈمی لوگو

The legendary Bruce Lee wrote an article for Black Belt magazine many years ago which challenged the efficiency and efficacy of kata, فارم یا پیٹرن کی تربیت. Ever since the publication of this article, بہت سے دیگر مارشل فنکاروں فارم کی تربیت کے لئے ضرورت کو چیلنج یا سوال کرنے کے لئے شروع کر دیا ہے. میں اپنے دفاع کی تعلیم کے لئے وقف کر رہا ہوں کے بعد سے, you would think I

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Martial Arts Is A Family Affair

گھریلو ٹیم

One of the best thing about the martial arts such as Taekwondo is the ability for fathers, mothers, children, grandchildren and other family members to train together. You develop a mutual interest you cannot replicate by sitting in the stands watching your children play baseball, soccer, وغیرہ. Besides training with all three of my kids and my wife, who trained

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Happy Birthday, Kenneth!

ٹرے اور میں

My oldest son Kenneth will turn 18 this week. It is hard for me to believe he is a grown man already. It seems like five years ago he was a little guy running around and climbing on everything. When he was less than a year old, وہ اپنے مشق کرنے والے سے باہر لٹک سکتا تھا اور اپنے کھلونے اٹھا سکتا تھا۔

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So’s Your Aunt Emma! (1942)


Monogram Pictures released So’s Your Aunt Emma! (1942) on April 17, 1942. Zasu Pitts stars as Aunt Emma Bates. In her youth, Aunt Emma was engaged to up-and-coming professional fighter Jim O’Banion. Her sister didn’t approve of the match, so they sent her on a trip to break up the couple. Aunt Emma regretted it and starts following the career

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John Riley Collects Poll Tax

جان ریلی پول ٹیکس بک

My second great-grandfather John Riley Deweese served as Welch Township Republican Committee Chairman in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri for most of his adult life. Besides holding party caucuses in his home, John Riley served as Road Commissioner in the 1910s. Residents mostly traversed the roads by horse and buggy. حکومتوں کے طریقہ کار میں سے ایک سڑک کے لیے فیس وصول کرتی تھی۔

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