Langford porazov The Great Gans


Decembra 8, 1903, Sam Langford borili vladajoči lahek boksarski prvak v svojem domačem kraju Boston, Massachusetts. Pred bojem LANGFORD, večina strokovnjakov boks počutil Joe Gans ne bi pretepli v zakonite dvoboja. Rodil se je v Baltimoru, Maryland, Gans was able to break the color barrier by winning the World Lightweight Boxing Championship. Sam Langford is often considered

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Chief Desmond Gets a New Assistant


Ponedeljek, December 15, 1902, St. Louis Police Assistant Chief of Detectives James H. Smith retired from the police department to take a position in the coal industry. Chief of Detectives William Desmond attempted to convince Smith to stay but he decided to retire from the force as his fortieth birthday approached. Smith compiled a commendable record as Desmond’s Assistant.

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Old Smoke Porazi BENICIA Boy


John Morrissey trdil World Bare Knuckle Prizefighting prvenstvo v spornem dvoboju z Yankee Sullivan v oktobru 1853. Potem ko je premagal pristojbino umora zaradi njegovega sodelovanja pri umoru Bill “Butcher” Da, Morrissey se odločili, da brani svoj naslov proti John C. Heenan, “Benicia Boy”. “Old Smoke” Morrissey poraz Heenan v oktober 1858 bout held in

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Think Fast, Gospod. Predlog (1937)

še vedno-hvala-gospod-moto

The first Mr. Moto film starring Peter Lorre as Japanese jujitsu expert Kentaro Moto sees Mr. Moto tracking down a smuggling ring leader. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation released Think Fast, Gospod. Predlog (1937) on July 27, 1937. Peter Lorre would play Mr. Moto seven more times for Twentieth Century – Fox. Gospod. Moto se preobleče v krošnjarja in

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In “Strangler” Lewis Wins Title in 1920


Ponedeljek, December 13, 1920, In “Strangler” Lewis je osvojil prvega od šestih naslovov svetovnega prvaka v rokoborbi v težki kategoriji od Joeja Stecherja. The fact he won the title from his biggest rival and business enemy must have been particularly satisfying. Leto pred tem tekmo, Stecher in Lewis sta se srečala v več kot tri ure trajajočem dvoboju. Lewis je naredil miselno napako

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