Auto Vagys Kill Another Policininkas

William Dillon buvo reaguoti į pranešimus apie Karininko McKenna žmogžudystė Lewis Brothers. Dillon tikėjo, kad Lewis Broliai, kurie buvo auto ir vielos vagys, buvo atsakingas už McKenna mirties.

Dillon proceeded to the DeMorris home at 4232 Athlone Avenue. He observed two of the Lewis brothers enter the garage in the Ford. Dillon įžengė į garažą už jų. Jis niekada vėl.

Pagal Be muito linija: St. Louis Policijos pareigūnai, kurie padarė Ultimate Sacrifice Barbara Miksicek, Davidas McElreath ir Stephen Pollihan, Dillon išsitraukė revolverį, kai vienas iš brolių pradėjo traukti ginklą. Dillon told him to drop the gun and the man complied.

Tačiau, as Dillon looked into the truck of the vehicle to inspect some stolen copper wire, Frank Lewis struck him in the head with a hatchet. His younger brother Ora joined in and the Lewis brothers bludgeoned Dillon to death.

A third brother, Roy Lewis, who was with Ora, when Ora shot Officer McKenna, walked into the garage after the murder of Dillon. He would later confess to his participation in the crimes and provided details about the crimes.


William Dillon – Policijos pareigūnas nužudytas of Duty linija – Balandis 7, 1916

Pagal balandžio 8, 1916 leidimas St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Dillon buvo matyti keli liudytojai patekti į garažą. One of the witnesses, a delivery driver, saw him enter the garage. Tačiau, he stated when he left 10 arba 15 minučių, he did not see Dillon. Both the Ford and Hudson were gone from the alley.

"Ford" buvo nutraukta Belleview ir kolegijos Prospektai. The original reports had them abandoning it after killing McKenna but they took the Ford home first, where Dillon was murdered.

Manoma, kad vienas iš ryšulio jie nuimti nuo transporto priemonės buvo Karininko Dillon kūnas. Kraujo buvo nustatyta, liemens ir durų rėmo transporto priemonės. Mygtuką iš policijos uniforma taip pat buvo rasta ant grindų lentos iš Ford.

Hudson buvo atsisakyta Overland Park. Jame 200 svarų vario viela. Po kelių valandų, ūkininkas rado kanceliarija Dillon kūną į lauką. He had died of a fractured skull.

Policija suėmė Joną DeMorris, Lewis’ Tėve, and Roy “Joe” Lewis. Police found a stolen vehicle, daug auto dalys, fire arms and equipment used to stop trains at the Athlone house. Šeimos ir naudojo slapyvardžius DeMorris, Lewis Baty.

Pareigūnas Dillon gimė rugsėjo 19, 1877. Jis buvo 38 metai iki jo mirties dieną. Jis paliko tėvą, , kuris buvo miesto ugniagesys, ir septyni broliai.


Photo of Ora Lewis from the September 23, 1916 leidimas St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Public Domain)

In September 1916, Kansas City Police arrested Ora and Roy Lewis. Frank Lewis escaped. The Lewis brothers were originally from Kansas City but left there in 1914, when Frank or Ora shot a Kansas City Police Officer.

Ora Lewis and Roy Lewis were convicted of Officer McKenna’s murder. Roy Lewis served 24 years before being released in 1941. He managed to stay out of trouble after his parole.

Ora Lewis was paroled three times but returned to prison every time for new crimes. Lewis was shot and killed in 1956, when out on parole for the third and last time. It doesn’t say whether fellow criminals or the police shot him.

Frank Lewis was captured by Kansas City Police in 1917 but contracted pneumonia, while awaiting extradition. Frank Lewis died at 18 years of age ending his short but violent life.

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