Beell Taktoj “Americus”

En januaro 1905, bone konsiderata luktisto Gus Schoenlein, ankaŭ konata kiel Americus, konsentis renkonti Fred Beell en Schoenlein la hejmurbo de Baltimoro, Marilando. Schoenlein atendis bati Beell facile.

ĉe 5'10” Kaj 210 Funtoj, “Americus” turis super la 5’04”, 170 funton Beell. Dum Beell estis potence konstruitaj, Schoenlein la 40 pundoj estis monta avantaĝon. Ambaŭ viroj estis kompetentaj luktistoj kvankam.


Fred Beell posing for the camera in the early Twentieth Century from the Public Domain

Due, Beell had been losing more than winning over the last two years. Beel’s professional career had been unimpressive up to this point. Schoenlein lightly trained for the bout, which he expected to win easily.

Tamen, Charles Weiss, who Schoenlein recently fired as his manager, saw something in the young Wisconsin grappler. Thinking that Beell was just the man to clip his former client, Weiss put up Beell’s part of the purse to setup the match.

When the men met on the cold January day in Baltimore, Schoenlein started out cold and never warmed up. Despite his size advantage, Schoenlein could not move Beell.

Beell pushed the pace on Americus from the beginning of the match until he turned Americus onto his back for the first fall at 1 Horo kaj 1 Eta.

Americus met Beell at center ring for the beginning of the second fall. Clearly fatiguing after the first fall, Americus could not catch Beell in anything no matter how hard he strained. Utterly exhausted after another hour of wrestling, Beell turned Schoenlein onto his back for the second fall with a half-nelson at 1 Horo kaj 16 Minutoj.

As Schoenlein struggled to his corner, he was in real danger of losing the 3-out-of-5-falls match in 3 straight falls. While he wanted to make a better showing in his hometown, Americus could barely get off his stool to meet Beell at center ring for the third fall.

Fatigue sucked the last bit of fight out of Schoenlein. After only 3 Minutoj, Beell threw him with a waist hold for the third straight fall and a decisive victory. Weiss jumped from his seat Schoenlein’s former manager would be smiling wide for the rest of the night.

Beell would continue to build on his success over the next few years including a rare victory over Frank Gotch. Schoenlein would recover from this defeat and remain a contendor for the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Both men emerged stronger as a result of this match.

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Fontoj: Waterbury Evening Democrat, Januaro 9, 1905 Eldono, P. 9

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