Земјоделец Барнс ритми Мичиген шампион

Мартин “Земјоделец” Барнс е познат денес како тренер на легендарниот борач Френк Gotch. “Земјоделец” Барнс беше голем борач во сопственото право. Барнс ја освои американската тешка категорија шампион во борење во легитимен про борење ера и покрај тоа што само 165 фунти. Во 1891, Барнс Ајова шампион во тешка категорија беше на JC. Комсток, Мичиген шампион во тешка категорија.


Мартин “Земјоделец” Burns from the Public Domain

J.C. Comstock was coming off an impressive victory over Jack Carkeek, the Cornish Wrestling Champion from Michigan. Based on this victory, many sporting men thought Comstock could beat “Земјоделец” Burns. Комсток, a true heavyweight, would have a significant size and strength advantage over Burns.

Во петокот, Април 24, 1891, Burns and Comstock each put up a $50 side bet to supplement the $50 dollar purse from the Rock Island, IL Sports Club. На $150 purse was on the line, when the men met on Thursday, Април 30, 1891. Comstock started strong but faded as the match continued.

The match was a three out of five falls affair. The match started at 8:45 вечер. Comstock pressed Burns but couldn’t maintain a hold on the smaller Burns. After 19 минути, Comstock was finally able to get a hold on Burns and throw him. With a strong effort, Comstock pressed “the Farmer’s” shoulders to the mat for the first fall. It would be the only highlight for Comstock.

After ten minutes rest, the men came back for the second fall. The clearly fatiguing Comstock lasted only five and half minutes before Burns pinned him with a front nelson and hammerlock.

Two minutes into the third fall, Comstock’s nose began to bleed causing a medical stoppage. Comstock recovered a little but “Земјоделец” Burns picked him apart for the third fall after 25 minutes with another front nelson and hammerlock.

Comstock’s attendant’s tried desperately to fan him and restore some energy to his body but he was spent. “Земјоделец” Burns grabbed many holds but only put the finishing touches on the last fall when he felt comfortable Comstock was done. He took the fourth and final fall along with the $150 purse in 12 minutes with a double armlock.

Мартин “Земјоделец” Burns must have liked Rock Island, IL because he established his wrestling gym there. Among others, he trained Frank Gotch at this facility. “Земјоделец” Burns would wrestle for ten more years before becoming a full time trainer. Many wrestlers were happy to see the talented “Земјоделец” retire.

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