Can TKD Learn from MMA?
Despite its worldwide popularity and it’s rank as the most popular martial art in the United States, (TKD) is beginning to lose some of it’s luster due to its perceived lack of success in Mixed Martial Arts. (MMA) is the biggest thing to hit the martial arts world since Jigaro Kano decided to go to a colored and black belt system to denote rank within his school, Kodokan. The Ultimate Fighting Championships has over 10 miljons patīk Facebook vien.
I stated perceived lack of success because current UFC lightweight champion Benson Henderson is a taekwondo black belt. Anthony "Showtime" PETTIS, a top lightweight and featherweight contender in the UFC, ir arī teikvando melnā josta un pieder viena no postošākajām vērpšanas kick knockouts uz iepriekš minēto Benson Henderson ar WEC. Former UFC contenders Stephan Bonner and David Loiseau were also taekwondo black belts, kas dod TKD kredītu, lai padarītu tos postoša kickers.
Tomēr, teikvando parasti netiek turēti augstu cieņu ietvaros MMA apli pāris iemeslu dēļ. Pirmais, taekwondo is known for its powerful kicks, kas nav daudz izmantot pret labs cīkstonis, kas izmanto iespēju, lai tevi pie zemes. Otrais, lielākā daļa Taekwondo cīnītāji tiek uzskatīts, ka nabaga rokas pārsteidzošu prasmes, lai jūs nevarat izmantot TKD kā savu pārsteidzošo bāzi bez papildinot ar bokss vai Muay Thai.
Es atzina šo faktu, kad es pirmo reizi sāku TKD, tāpēc es sāku darīt boksa treniņi gandrīz tiklīdz es sāku mācības. Arī, cilvēku skaits sportā vairākās jaudas ir runājuši par to, kā nevērtīgs TKD ir kā cīņas mākslu.
Džo Rogans, a really knowledgeable analyst, kam pieder melnās jostas TKD un Brazīlijas Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) atkārtoti ir norādījusi, ka taekwondo ir diezgan nevērtīgs reālā cīņas. Man nav pilnīgi piekrītu Joe, jo es domāju, ka tas ir daudz ko piedāvāt, ja jūs apvienot to ar citiem elementiem, piemēram, boksa, apakšstilbu kicks, un daži zemes pamata zināšanas no džudo un BJJ.
Šeit ir īsta berzēt gan tāpēc, ka daudzi TKD instruktori vēlas nekāda sakara ar MMA. The focus of most commercial schools is to produce an international competitor that can get into the Olympics. Olympic mānija ir ievainots TKD daudzos veidos.
I have heard many TKD instructors say that they have never seen an MMA match or think it is like some of the old Tough Man contests. As one instructor told me one day, “We didn’t fight in cages back in Washington, D.C.” I have heard this attitude more times than I care to count.
For all the instructors that feel this way, let me give you another example of short sighted thinking. Eastman Kodak was a multi-million dollar company. Tomēr, they almost went into bankruptcy because they failed to grasp how digital cameras were going to completely change how people took photos. We should be embracing the lessons within MMA and fitting them into our programs. It just increases the tools in a student’s tool bag.
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