Acton Wrestles Greko-Women


Nan Lendi, Mas 26, 1888, Joe Acton, ki te espesyalize nan catch wrestling, lite pwofesè William Miller, yon wrèstle Ostralyen, ak prizefighter toutouni, nan yon match de lit grèko-women de-sou-twa. Tou de kan mesye yo te kwè ke lit match la nan style sa a te asire konpetisyon ki pi bèl ant yo. Mesye yo te lite pou $500.00 yon bò. 1,500 fans, yon gwo foul moun pou epòk la, vire

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Dan McLeod lite “Kiltivatè” Burns

dan mcleod

Sou Oktòb 26, 1897, Martin "Farmer" Burns te defann chanpyona lit Ameriken Heavyweight li kont Scottish catche wrèstle Dan McLeod.. Burns ak McLeod se te de nan twa oswa kat pi gwo luteur katch-as-catch-can nan peyi Etazini nan moman an.. 1,200 fanatik yo te asiste match ki te fèt nan Grand Opera House nan Indianapolis, Indiana. Pwomotè souvan mete yon tapi oswa lou

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Evan Lewis Launches Pro Career


While researching the history of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship (1881 – 1922), I discovered Evan “Strangler” Lewis’ early matches in Montana. Prior to researching this topic, I thought Lewis started his career by winning a 64-man wrestling tournament in Montana during 1882. Sepandan, Lewis did not win the tournament. In May 1882, Lewis wrestled in a Cornish wrestling tournament

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Pandan ke Pedreira konplè rechèch ak site sous prensipal yo


Sou Out 7, 1882, Chanpyon lit pwa lou Ameriken Edwin Bibby te defann tit li kont chanpyon angle Joe Acton nan Madison Square Garden nan vil Nouyòk.. Mesye yo te lite yon match "catch-as-catch-can" pou chanpyona mondyal la. Sepandan, piblik la pa t rekonèt venkè bout la kòm chanpyon mondyal la. Piblik la rekonèt gayan an kòm pwa lou Ameriken an

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Farmer Burns dekouvri Frank Gotch


Nan 1897, Dan McLeod te bat Martin "Farmer" Burns pou chanpyona Ameriken Lit pwa lou. Apre defèt la, Burns te lite a tan pasyèl pandan li te fè tranzisyon nan wòl prensipal li nan antrenè lit. Over the next 30 ane, Burns te antrene pi fò nan luteur trape lejitim yo nan peyi Etazini. Burns te kòmanse fè yon toune 1899, kote li ta tou de lite yon opozan nan

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“Kiltivatè” Burns mete nan yon lannwit konplè


Nan 1899, Martin “Kiltivatè” Burns t ap fè tranzisyon nan wòl wrèstle a tan pasyèl ak antrenè aplentan. Youn nan elèv ki pi popilè li yo ta dwe Frank Gotch, ki Burns bat yon semèn apre match sa a. Burns te 38 ane-laj e li te pèdi chanpyona lit Ameriken Heavyweight li de zan anvan. Burns melanje tou de wòl yo nan yon swa Desanm trè okipe nan

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McLaughlin Wrestles Bauer


James Hiram McLaughlin kenbe distenksyon pou yo te premye wrèstè pwofesyonèl Ameriken an. Pandan ke moun te lite pwofesyonèl anvan McLaughlin, li te premye moun ki te genyen yon k ap viv pwofesyonèl nan lit. McLaughlin te kòmanse lit pwofesyonèl nan 1860 nan 16 ane laj men Lagè Sivil la te entèwonp karyè li pou kèk ane. McLaughlin te kòmanse lit ankò nan 1866. Pa 1877,

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