Thiebaud Bauer zanika delo v tekmah 1876


Thiebaud ali Theobald Bauer je bil francoski rokoborec, ki se je specializiral za grško-rimsko rokoborbo. Bauer je v Ameriko prispel med 1875 z dvomljivo zahtevo za naslov svetovnega prvaka v grško-rimskem rokoborbi v težki kategoriji. Bi branil svoj naslov za 5 leta, dokler ga ni premagal William Muldoon v 1880. Če oboževalci rokoborbe sploh poznajo Bauerja, običajno je kot nasprotnik

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Evan “Strangler” Lewis predstave Mean Streak


Evan “Strangler” Lewis, imenovana tudi Evan Lewis “Strangler”, je poklicni rokoborec iz 1882 za 1899. Lewis je bil prvi ameriški Težji Catch-as-Catch Can Wrestling prvak. He was also the first wrestler to perfect the “stranglehold” ali “hang hold”, ki ga moderni oboževalci MMA poznajo kot giljotinsko dušilko. Lewis je svojo profesionalno debitiral z zmago 64 moški turnir

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Kmet Burns Beats Michigan prvak


Martin “Kmet” Burns is famous today as the trainer of legendary wrestler Frank Gotch. “Kmet” Burns je bil velik borec v svoji desni. Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion in the legitimate pro wrestling era despite being only 165 funtov. V 1891, Opekline so Iowa prvak v težki kategoriji je na JC. Comstock, Michigan prvak v težki kategoriji. J.C. Comstock was

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Lewis’ in Actonov hipodrom


Ponedeljek, Februar 7, 1887, Evan “Strangler” Lewis and “Malo Demon” Joe Acton se je srečal pri Battery D v Chicagu, Illinois. To bi bil prvi od več ekshibicijskih dvobojev med moškimi. Te razstave so že zgodaj izvajali v večjih mestih na srednjem zahodu 1887. Tako kot St. Paul match, ki sem ga obravnaval v prejšnji objavi, Lewis in Acton sta se strinjala

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Evan Lewis’ Stranglehold

evan-lewis-mehka vezava

This post was formally a podcast broadcast in 2015. V to epizodo, I discuss what Evan “Strangler” Lewis’ hold would be called today. Main Content – When I first heard of the stranglehold or “hang hold” of Evan “The Strangler” Lewis, it sounded like a guillotine choke. Vendar, several sources I checked described it as a rear naked choke. Lewis

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Ali Lewis Poraz pijani Wrestler?


Evan “Strangler” Lewis was a scary competitor. Although he was not a large man at 5’09” and weighed 170 funtov, Lewis’ mastery of submissions made him an equal or better of most wrestlers of his era. Jack Carkeek was a terrific wrestler but one match with Lewis almost caused him to retire. Lewis’ reputation was strongly related to his feared

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Lewis “Triumphs” in Fake Match


The April 12, 1887 izdaja St. Paul Daily Globe carried a story about the bout between feared professional wrestlers, Evan “Strangler” Lewis and “Malo Demon” Joe Acton. Other wrestlers feared Lewis’ ability as a submission expert particularly his abilities with the stranglehold. Joe Acton, while undersized at 150 funtov, was a ferocious wrestler. The bout should have been

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Terrible Turk’s Horrible Foul of Roeber


Ernest Roeber was an accomplished Greco-Roman wrestler. William Muldoon, the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion from 1880 za 1889, wanted Roeber to take over from him as World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Vendar, the world title would continue to be disputed until George Hackenschmidt won several Greco-Roman Tournaments in Europe during 1901. Yusuf Ismail, Grozni Turk, was considered one of the

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Martin “Kmet” Burns


Martin “Kmet” Burns je bil strokovni catch-as-catch lahko Wrestler kot tudi rokoborbe in telesne kulture trenerja. Kljub velikim uspehom kot poklicni rokoborec, celo nagrajeni ameriški Težji prvenstvo, he is more famous as a wrestling trainer. Martin “Kmet” Burns je rodil februar 15, 1861 Cedar County, Iowa. Both then and now, wrestling is in an Iowan’s blood.

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