Fred Beell Killed in the Line of Duty


Fred Beell wrestled professionally from 1900 za 1919. After developing a legendary reputation due to some of his victories over Martin “Kmet” Burns, Dan McLeod and Frank Gotch, Beell retired as he neared 43 let. His post wrestling career would lead to his unexpected death at 57. Fred Beell overcame long odds to become a competent professional wrestler

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Gotch Beats Lurich in His Last Match

Georg Lurich

Frank Gotch was famous for defeating George Hackenschmidt, svetovni prvak rokoborec in uteži v 1908 and the 1911 rematch. Gotch potekala naziv za dobo petih let in premagali vse novinci. Ob relativno mladosti 35, Gotch odločila, da se upokojijo. Na svoji zadnji tekmi, he would take on another famous European wrestler and weightlifter, George Lurich. George Lurich

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George Baptiste Meets World Champion


V petek, Lahko 12, 1905, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion George Hackenschmidt toured the United States after defeating reigning American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Tom Jenkins. One of Hackenschmidt’s stops was the “Gateway to the West”, St. Louis, Missouri. Hackenschmidt agreed to throw three wrestlers in under 90 min. He accomplished this feat in less than 19 minutes after the third wrestler

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Santel Hurts Another Wrestler


Ad Santel entered professional wrestling a generation too late. By the time he started wrestling in the 1910s, professional wrestling transitioned from contests to prearranged exhibitions. Santel possessed strong submission skills, which would have allowed him to beat most of the wrestlers in legitimate wrestling contests. Santel did take part in several legitimate contests with Japanese jujitsu practitioners. He used

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Tours v 1910


V pozno 1909, Stanislaus Zbyszko odpotoval v Združene države Amerike za izpodbijanje svetovnega prvaka v težki kategoriji Wrestling Frank Gotch. Pred srečanja Gotch, Zbyszko gostovala v Združene države in bojeval veliko lokalnih rokoborcev celotnem zgodnjem delu 1910. Zbyszko bi potovali 37,000 milj. Zgodaj v svoji turneji, Zbyszko met Frank Gotch in a handicap match. Zbyszko defeated Gotch, ki je bil

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Gotch zdrobi Jenkins za naslov


Četrtek, Januar 27, 1904, Tom Jenkins je branil naslov ameriškega prvaka v rokoborbi proti obetajočemu rokoborcu iz Iowe. Po prvem padcu, navijači so ugotovili, da je bila to najtežja tekma c Franka Alvina Gotcha, Humboldt, Iowa kmetija fant, ki bi poraz Georg Hackenschmidt za svetovno prvenstvo v Težji 1908, je Jenkins’ challenger. Jenkins je premagal Gotcha

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Was Lewis or Gotch Better?


V januarju 1921, Ad Santel started a minor controversy by claiming Ed “Strangler” Lewis was a better wrestler than the late Frank Gotch. Santel trained with both Gotch and Lewis, so he did have an insider’s knowledge. Was he right though? Gotch was the last Undisputed World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. Gotch won the title by defeating the great Georg Hackenschmidt.

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Paul Pons, Izdelovalec rokoborba Stars


Paul Pons je grško-rimske rokoborbe prvak Francije v 1890. Je osvojil turnir v Folies-Bergeres pred zmago na turnirju v Rusiji 1898. Te zmage so mu omogočile naslov svetovnega prvaka v grško-rimskem rokoborbi. Pons kapitalizirane na ta slava z odprtjem telovadnico trenirati rokoborcev in močne moške. Pons’ zmaga je bila še posebej izjemna zaradi

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Lewis Solves Masked Marvel


When the 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournament restarted in October 1915, a mysterious masked man sat at ringside demanding an entry into the tournament. Prior to the masked man’s arrival, the tournament had been lightly attended. The attraction of the masked man sitting at ringside attracted both fan and newspaper interest. Crowds started showing up for the matches. Po

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Baptiste and Wasem Handle Parker


V pozno 1902, Harvey Parker, a professional wrestler who began wrestling in 1900, travelled to St. Louis to challenge the local wrestling community. Parker may have thought St. Louis to be an easier town than “Kmet” Burns territory in Chicago and Iowa. Vendar, Parker would discover two capable wrestler in St. Louis, George Baptiste and Oscar Wasem. Jo 1902, George

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