The Original Trust Buster


La începutul anilor 1920, Tex Rickard i-a declarat război fostului său partener de promovare de box, Jack Curley. Curley a promovat luptele profesionale în New York City. De asemenea, a organizat promotori în orașe mari precum Boston și St. Louis într-un trust de lupte. Trustul a controlat Campionatul Mondial de Lupte Grele. Încrederea a înghețat orice luptător, care a refuzat să meargă împreună

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Stanislaus Zbyszko Pierde Meciul


Postarea din această săptămână este un fel de mărturisire. De ani de zile, Am scris că Frank Gotch a fost singurul luptător care l-a învins pe Stanislaus Zbyszko în timpul turneului său inițial în America, între 1909 și 1914. Am citit recent Wrestling in the Garden, Volume 1: 1875 la 1939; Bătălia pentru New York – Funcționează, Șușuri și cruci duble (affiliate link) de

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Cel mai vechi film de lupte din existență


Joe Stecher care surprinde campionatul mondial de lupte de la Earl Caddock este cel mai vechi film de lupte profesionale existent. Tragic, promotorii au filmat cele mai mari meciuri din anii 1910 și 1920, inclusiv al doilea meci Frank Gotch-Georg Hackenshmidt, dar au putrezit în zonele de depozitare. Operatorii de cameră l-au filmat pe Ed „Strangler” Lewis vs. Wayne „Big” Munn, Stecher vs. Stanislaus Zbyszko, și meciul de reunificare

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Joe Stecher trece testul


Una dintre poveștile legendare despre Joe Stecher se referă la un concurs legitim pe care l-a avut cu unul dintre Martin “Agricultor” Arde luptătorii, când Stecher abia ieşise din liceu. Burns a auzit despre reputația în creștere a lui Stecher și a decis să-l testeze cu unul dintre luptătorii săi.. De ani de zile, Credeam că Stecher l-a învins pe Yusif Mahmout, dar de fapt sa luptat cu Yussif Hussane. The

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Lewis și Stecher lucrează la remiză


In his book Hooker, Lou Thesz wrote about the rivalry between two of his favorite wrestlers, Joe Stecher and Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Stecher and Lewis would emerge as the two best legitimate professional wrestler of the 1910s. Either man could beat every other wrestler at the time in a legitimate contest or “shoot”. The men wrestled three long, boring contests

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Dusek încrucișează Mondt


Prior to the creation of the territorial system in 1948, pro wrestling promoters fought with each other to control the world championship. Promoting the world champion led to bigger gates, so most promoters wanted to control the championship. In the 1930s, promoters would enter into agreements with each other but they were often fleeting. When one promoter got offended, thought

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Top zece luptători profesioniști legitimi


Cine este cel mai mare luptător profesionist legitim care a luptat în Statele Unite? How do you determine it when wrestlers “worked” or cooperated with each other in matches since the sports emergence in the 1860s? . I examined the records and stories around the American, British, Polish, and Turkish wrestlers, who wrestled in the United States between 1870 și 1915

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Pat O’Shocker Refuses Double-Cross


William Hayes Shaw, who wrestled as Pat O’Shocker through most of his wrestling career, found himself in the spotlight in 1933. O’Shocker wasn’t looking for this sort of fame though. Newspapers were carrying a story about how wrestling promoters tried to use O’Shocker in a planned double-cross. Joseph “Toots” Mondt booked wrestlers out of New York and was aligned with

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Jim Browning Campaigns in Tennessee


În 1933, about 10 years into his wrestling career, Jim Browning would win the world title. Starting his career in Kansas and his home state of Missouri, Browning would have to leave these familiar grounds, if he intended to reach the highest pinnacle in professional wrestling. Because World Champions had to tour nationally, and often internationally, the world title was

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More Beating Than Shoot


I’ve written in the past that Fall Guys: The Barnums of Bounce by Marcus Griffin is a problematic source. While Griffin has insider knowledge due to his time in the Buffalo promotional office in the 1930s, he wrote the book for the purpose of revenge against the promoters who fired him. The book contains factual information mixed in with interesting

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