Whistler Wrestles Dufur in New York


Joi, Martie 31, 1881, 200 fans filtered into New York’s Turnverein Hall to watch Clarence Whistler wrestle Henry Moses Dufur in a three-out-of-five-falls catch-as-catch-can wrestling match with both wrestlers wearing jackets. The promoters used the rules and jackets to even the chances of each wrestler to win. Clarence Whistler specialized in Greco-Roman wrestling. Whistler took World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion

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“Agricultor” Burns Trains Jeffries


When the great Jack Johnson defeated Tommy Burns for the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship, the boxing establishment started searching for a “white hope” to defeat Johnson. In desperation to find someone to defeat Johnson, promoters and sports writers started lobbying former World Heavyweight Champion James J. Jeffries to end his retirement to fight Johnson. Jeffries retired undefeated in 1905. După

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Mărar ucigaș (1947)


On August 2, 1947, Max M. King Productions a lansat Killer Dill (1947), un film criminal pe care luptătorul profesionist Mike Mazurki îl joacă „Little Joe”, un scolo jucând ambele părți ale unei ceartă între bande. Stuart Erwin joacă rolul lui Johnny „Killer” Dill, un designer de lenjerie și vânzător, pe care oamenii îl confundă cu un gangster. După ce s-a implicat accidental într-un război între bande, lui

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Londra se luptă la Teatrul Odeon


Jim Londos a devenit cel mai mare star de box-office al luptei profesionale în anii 1930. Londra a luptat evenimentele principale împotriva lui Ed „Strangler” Lewis și Jim Browning pe stadioanele de baseball. Aceste meciuri au atras mulțimi de mai mult de 30,000 fani pentru prima dată de la al doilea Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt în 1911. Când Londos s-a luptat în Grecia, Londos drew crowds estimated to be at

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Mike Romano moare în ring


Professional wrestlers dying in the ring is rare but occasionally happens. În 1936, 5,000 wrestling fans in Washington, D.C.. inadvertently booed a dead man at the end of the Mike Romano vs. “Irish” Jack Donovan match at Griffith Stadium on Thursday, Iunie 25, 1936. The 40-year-old Romano was putting Donovan over in a worked match. Newspapers inaccurately reported Romano as

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Shooter într-o lume lucrată disponibil


John “The Nebraska Tigerman” Pesek started wrestling professionally in 1915, but Pesek was more suited to the 1885 professional wrestling ring. De 1915, wrestlers worked their matches. Skilled lightweight wrestler Clarence Ecklund trained Pesek in catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Pesek developed into a skilled hooker or submission wrestler. Pesek never liked working and wrestled contests in his early career. În cele din urmă, Pesek did

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Inelul de jocuri de noroc al lui John Mabray


During March 1910, the United States Attorney General in Council Bluffs, Iowa charged John C. Mabray (a version of his actual name, Mabry) and a dozen defendants with using the mail to commit gambling fraud in professional boxing, professional wrestling, and professional horse racing. Mabry, a livestock dealer living in Kansas City, Missouri, employed insiders in boxing, wrestling, and horse

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Spărgătorii în siguranță îl ucid pe fostul campion mondial


In the early morning hours of August 5, 1933, four safe burglars broke a window at the Marshfield Brewing Company in Marshfield, Wisconsin. The burglars knocked a dial off the safe and removed $1,550.00 in federal stamps. În 2024 dolari, the burglars stole over $37,000.00. The same burglars successfully took another $1,000 in federal stamps from the Wausau Brewing Company

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Referee Hands Beell Tough Loss


La începutul carierei sale, Fred Beell wrestled Gus “Americus” Schoenlein in 1904 și 1905. În timpul 1904 match, Beell won the only fall and match. Schoenlein wanted to avenge this defeat. In May 1905, Schoenlein’s manager secured a rematch in Schoenlein’s hometown of Baltimore, Maryland. Schoenlein stood five feet, ten inches tall and weighed 210 de lire sterline. Beell usually faced a

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