Jim Londos Makes His Mark


In the early 1920s, Christos Theofilou began wrestling as Jim Londos after several years as the gimmickyWrestling Plasterer”. Londos probably didn’t realize that the name change would be the first step into him becoming the biggest box office attraction in 1930s professional wrestling. The second step was his emergence as a main event wrestler in St. Louis. Born in

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Eustace Wrestles The Champ


En xullo de 4, 1922, Alan Eustace received his shot at the World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis. Eustace, the Kansas Champion, won a qualifying match with “Agricultores” Bailey in March 1922 to qualify for the match with Lewis. 31-year-old Eustace was the same age as “Estrangulador” Lewis but Lewis was far more experienced. Debuting at 14 anos de idade,

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Renato Gardini Arrives in 1915


A principios de 1915, Sam Rachmann promoted the New York International Wrestling Tournament with the intention of replacing retired World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch. Rachmann believed no one could defeat Aleksander “Alex” Aberg, Rachmann’s handpicked successor to Gotch, in Greco-Roman wrestling. Rachmann’s challenge was catch-as-catch-can was the dominant wrestling style in America. To get around this challenge, Rachmann recruited international

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Browning Campaigns in Kansas


En 1922, future World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Jim Browning began his career in Kansas. Browning moved from his hometown of Verona, Missouri en 1921 to train for a professional wrestling career. Tom Law, the Wichita, Kansas promoter, oversaw Browning’s training. By May 1923, Browning was already in the main event at smaller shows. On an Augusta, Kansas card, Browning wrestled

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Double-Crossing Gold Dust Trio Book

Autor e artista marcial

En marzo 3, 1922, E “Estrangulador” Lewis regained the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from Stanislaus Zbyszko. This event marked the beginning of one of the most dominant professional wrestling combines in history. Manager Billy Sandow, World Champion Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis and training partner/promotional genius Joseph “Toots” Mondt, known as theGold Dust Trio”, dominated the sport for the next six

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Alan Eustace Wrestles “Agricultores” Bailey


In the early 1920s, Billy Sandow convinced Georgia promoter Tom Law to move to Wichita, Kansas and develop the area for future wrestling shows. The American Midwest would be a significant revenue generator for the Gold Dust Trio, which Sandow led with World Champion Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis and promotional genius Joseph “Toots” Mondt, in the 1920s. Law would produce two

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Jim Browning estrela na cidade natal


Verona, Missouri é unha pequena cidade do suroeste de Missouri. Nunca excedendo 900 residentes na súa historia, só 438 ou iso a xente chamaba a casa de Verona 1926. Aínda, O luns celebrouse na localidade un carné de loita profesional, Marzo 22, 1926. Sen o uso xeneralizado de automóbiles ou estradas construídas para manexalos, viaxar sería moi difícil 1926.

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Campión de Londres Supera


O venres, Febreiro 17, 1922, O campión mundial de loita libre de peso pesado Stanislaus Zbyszko loitou un combate de handicap contra Francois Lemarque e a prometedora estrela Jim Londos.. Londos aínda estaba a poucos anos de converterse no maior atractivo de taquilla da loita libre profesional, pero era o loitador máis popular de St.. Louis. Mentres Londos só quedou uns 5’06” ou 5’07”, el posuía

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Gotch Avenges Perda

formación de gotch

On Sunday, Decembro 17, 1906, Kansas City, Missouri demostrou unha vez máis ser un fervedoiro para a loita libre profesional 8,000 os fans ateigaron o Convention Hall para ver a revancha entre Frank Gotch e Fred Beell. Beell gañou o American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship de Gotch tres semanas antes en Nova Orleans, Louisiana. Gotch afirmou que a perda foi unha casualidade, while

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