Lembrando a Wayne Munn


Wayne “Gran” Munn é un ascenso meteórico na loita libre profesional. Debutando en 1924, Munn “won” o World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship de Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis no inicio 1925. A súa caída foi igual de rápida. Por 1926, Munn estaba xubilado. Un xogador de fútbol universitario de Nebraska, Munn foi recrutado para a loita libre profesional por Billy Sandow, líder de facto do Gold Dust Trio. O

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Beell gaña o título


Fred Beell era un forte, loitador profesional talentoso a principios do século XX. Beell deu a todos os mellores loitadores do día duros concursos, pero a súa falta de tamaño a miúdo dificultaba a súa habilidade con loitadores de clase mundial.. Aínda que poderosamente construído, Beell figuraba xenerosamente no 5’06”. No seu máis pesado, Beell nunca superou 170 libras. Mentres posúe un fisiculturismo

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Lewis e Stecher disparan por última vez


The Gold Dust Trio’s dominance of professional wrestling in the early to mid-1920s bred lots of resentment with other wrestlers and promoters. This professional jealousy led to a famous double-cross in 1925. From this time on, the world title was disputed as Joe Stecher held one version, while Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis held the other version. Due to the real resentment

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Jenkins’ and Beell’s Closed Door Match


Tom Jenkins had the distinction of being the only wrestler to defeat Frank Gotch multiple times. Jenkins and Gotch traded the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship between 1902 e 1906. At the time of this match, Jenkins was the champion again. Fred Beell had been campaigning for a match with Jenkins for the past several months. Beell finally convinced Jenkins to

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“Toots” Mondt’s Injured in 1922


Joseph “Toots” Mondt wrestled professionally from the early 1910s through the 1930s but he made his real mark as a booker, booking agent and promoter. While Ed “Estrangulador” Lewis considered Mondt his equal in a legitimate wrestling match, Mondt has a genius for creating angles and finishes in worked wrestling exhibitions. Mondt would join Lewis and his manager Billy Sandow

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Taro Miyake Wrestles in St. Louis


From late 1921 para 1923, John Contos promoted professional wrestling in St. Louis, Missouri. Porén, Contos decided to leave promotion to focus on managing the career of budding star Dan Kolov. Prior to leaving St. Louis, Contos sold the promotion to Tom Packs, his nephew and assistant in the promotion. Paquetes’ first card was scheduled for Friday, Xaneiro 4, 1924.

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Joe Stecher vence a Ad Santel


Joe Stecher comezou 1915, un ano fatídico para a súa carreira, cunha vitoria sobre Adolph Ernst. Ernst loitou baixo o nome de Otto Carpenter para este partido pero era coñecido polos fanáticos da loita libre como Ad Santel.. Santel tiña unha merecida fama de vicioso “hooker”, un loitador hábil na submisión ten. Stecher era un nebrascano de 22 anos, quen fixo

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