Mahmout vence Jenkins em Straight Falls


No Dia de Ação de Graças na América, Thursday, Novembro 26, 1908, Yussouff Mahmout lutou contra o ex-campeão americano de luta livre Tom Jenkins no Madison Square Garden em Nova York. Mahmout recentemente foi aos Estados Unidos para lutar contra Frank Gotch pelo World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Se Mahmout derrotasse Jenkins, Mahmout provaria ser um desafiante genuíno para Gotch. Jenkins foi o

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McLaughlin defende título?


Na terça-feira, Janeiro 29, 1884, aproximadamente dois mil fãs lotaram a Ópera de Detroit para assistir ao primeiro de uma série de duas partidas entre o Coronel James H.. McLaughlin e Henry Moses Dufur. A multidão teve que encantar os organizadores e lutadores. Jogos que atraíam multidões aos milhares eram raros durante o século XIX. Os organizadores alegaram que McLaughlin estava defendendo o americano

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Tom Allen roubado

Tom-Allen-Prêmio Lutador

Na quinta-feira, Setembro 7, 1876, Tom Allen defended his World Heavyweight Bare Knuckle Prizefighting Championship against fellow Englishman Joe Goss. Allen, originally from Birmingham, England, settled in St. Louis, Missouri. Allen eventually became a U.S. Citizen. Allen showed a pugnacious personality, inside and outside the ring, making powerful enemies amongst the sporting men in the United States. Allen particularly irritated

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McVea nocauteia Matsuda


Em lutas de estilo misto entre lutadores e atacantes, o ditado é quando o lutador coloca as mãos no atacante, a luta acabou. Na maioria das lutas de estilo misto entre lutadores ou grapplers e boxeadores, o grappler normalmente vence depois de arrastar o atacante para o chão. Ray Steele derrotou Battle Levinsky. “Judô” Gene LeBell esmagou Milo Savage. Em moderno

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As raízes de Jack Claybourne no Missouri


Jack Claybourne, one of the earliest African-American, professional wrestlers, was born Elmer Claybourn at Mexico, Missouri, on March 8, 1910. Em 1910, Mexico was home to about 5,939 residents. Claybourne started his professional wrestling career in Missouri in 1931. Inicialmente, Claybourne wrestled in nearby Moberly, Missouri. Moberly had a population of 13,722 residents compared to 8,290 residents in Mexico, Missouri

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Henry Moses Dufur Reminiscences


Henry Moses Dufur held the World Heavyweight Collar-and-Elbow Wrestling Champion during the 1870s. Por 1855, Dufur retired from professional wrestling to pursue his full-time profession of clothing tailor. Even during his wrestling career, Dufur worked as a tailor. Dufur told the correspondent from The Boston Globe that he was born in Richford, Vermont on June 5, 1943. This date of

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Dufur Draws with Cox


Henry Moses Dufur specialized in collar-and-elbow wrestling when Dufur wrestled professionally in the 1870s and 1880s. Born on May 5, 1844, in Richmond, Vermont, Dufur wrestled primarily in the northeastern United States. Em junho 27, 1878, Dufur wrestled a return match with a wrestler named Cox at the Boston Baseball Park in front of five hundred fans. Five hundred fans

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Antes de ser Ed “Strangler” Lewis


Wrestling historians consider either Ed “Strangler” Lewis or Frank Gotch to be the greatest American professional wrestler. While we know quite a bit about the early career of Frank Gotch, we know much less about the early career of Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Various sources claim Lewis learned catch-as-catch-can wrestling in the carnivals when he was only fourteen years old. Lewis

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Burns luta contra Wasem


Além de ser o local preferido para boxeadores e lutadores profissionais treinarem em St.. Louis, o St. O Louis Business Men’s Gymnasium sediou eventos menores de boxe e luta livre. Em 1898, o ex-campeão americano de luta livre Martin “Farmer” Burns lutou contra Oscar Wasem na frente de uma pequena multidão no Business Men’s Gymnasium. Burns estava fazendo a transição para treinar lutadores em tempo integral e

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