Hackenschmidt Tours St,,en,Hack i što je potrebno da bude veliki,,en. Louis u 1905


Svibanj 9, 1905 izdanje St. Louis republike sport poglavlje sadrži priču o nadolazeće utakmice između lokalnog hrvača George Baptiste i touring svjetskog prvak u hrvanju, George Hackenschmidt. The paper did not give Baptiste a chance against Hackenschmidt, koji je upravo pobijedio Tom Jenkins za Svjetsko prvenstvo. Ako urednik znali “Hack-a” condition at the time, he may have

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Zbyszko and the Last Shoot Match


Stanislav Zbyszko rođen Stanislaw Jan Cygankiewicz travnja 1, 1879 u Jodlow, Poljska, koja je bila dio Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Prema Wikipediji, on je izabrao naziv prsten Stanislav Zbyszko jer je to naziv izmišljena poljski vitez. Članak u Walla Walla, Washington novina, Navečer državnik u utorak, Veljača 8, 1910 edition, publicized Zbyszko’s university and

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Hack and What It Takes To Be Great

george-hackenschmidt odijelo

George Hackenschmidt (1877-1968) was a world record holding weightlifter and World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion before wrestling was prearranged and lifters were using steroids. Hackenschmidt achieved a level of greatness due to several factors. He achieved a high level of physical fitness. His physical condition allowed him to be the most successful wrestler of his era. A few wrestlers may have been

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Jack Johnson and The Fight of the Century


After Jack Johnson became champion, a lack of strong contenders caused public pressure to mount on James J. Jeffires, the retired former heavyweight champion, to end his retirement and fight Johnson. Jeffries was considered the first and most credible of the “White Hope” contenders. U naponu snage, Jeffries probably couldn’t beat Johnson. Na 35 years of age and nearly 300

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