Frank Moellenberg (1891 – 1941)


Moj očuh, Ernest C. Diaz, podigao me, so I included his family in my genealogical research. Međutim, Dad’s father, Joseph Diaz, emigrirao iz Meksika, a njegova majka Marie Moellenberg bila je prva generacija Amerikanki rođena u obitelji njemačkih imigranata. Finding information on his family has not been easy. Znamo da je Josephov otac bio Ulalio Diaz, a rođeno ime njegove majke

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John Moellenberg (1861 – 1942)


John Moellenberg rođen je u Njemačkoj u ožujku 30, 1861. Sometime prior to 1890, John Moellenberg married Adele Barmann. They welcomed their first son, Frank Moellenberg, on August 30, 1891. U 1893, Jovan, Adele and Frank immigrated to the United States and settled in St. Louis. John i Adele imali su još djece nakon dolaska u St. Louis. Henry Moellenberg bio je

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diaz-braća i sestre

Sometimes when you are researching the family history, you get an unpleasant shock. I was researching my stepdad Ernest C. Diaz’s family history in the Library of Congress database. Dad did not know much about the Moellenburgs, so I have been trying to find more information on them. While the discovery was significant, it was also a bit depressing. Dad’s

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