The Phantom (1931)


Pada November 1, 1931, Weiss Brothers Artclass Pictures released The Phantom (1931), a low-budget thriller. The film (link affiliate) opens with a death row inmates escape from the prison on the day of his execution. After he jumps from the prison wall to the top of the train, a plane with a rope ladder picks up the prisoner. While the

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Yang Penginap (1927)

Yang Penginap: Satu Kisah London Kabus (1927) adalah salah satu filem-filem awal Alfred Hitchcock senyap. It is based on the Marie Belloc Lowndes story and play based on the Jack the Ripper murders. Hitchcock directed the film (link affiliate) in 1926; ia dikeluarkan pada bulan Februari 1927 di London. Ia berjaya ke Amerika Syarikat pada 1928. The film begins with the

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Ekspresionisme dan Nosferatu (1922)


Pada Mac 4, 1922, F.W. Murnau dibebaskan Nosferatu (1922). Nosferatu (mengasah pautan) was Murnau’s adaptation of the Dracula novel by Bram Stoker. Murnau diabaikan untuk membeli hak untuk filem cerita dari estet Stoker ini, yang hampir membawa kepada filem ini yang hilang untuk filem penonton. Balu Stoker itu berjaya didakwa Murnau dan syarikat filem Jerman yang dihasilkan filem itu.

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Encik. Moto’s Gamble (1938)

masih terima kasih-mr-moto

Peter Lorre reprises his role as Mr. Kentaro Moto, Interpol Agent, in Mr. Moto’s Gamble (1938). James Tinling directed this film and Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1937). Tinling’s participation caused Lorre to portray Mr. Moto more like Inspector Chan with a little jujitsu thrown in. Dalam filem ini, Encik. Moto teaches a criminal investigation class to several budding investigators including

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The Fat Man (1950)


Since the beginning of commercial film making, production companies are always looking for new content. Film companies have always used popular books as a source of content and inspiration. Since the 1950s, popular television shows provided film adaptations and inspiration. In the early days of talking films, popular radio shows led to many film adaptations. Lum and Abner, Jack Benny,

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