Професор Ямашита идва в Америка през 1902


Sam Hill, Сиатъл бизнесмен, донесе проф. Йошиаки Ямашита за Съединените щати в 1902. Професор Ямашита за цел да помогнат за разпространяването на д-р. Джигоро Кано сравнително ново бойно изкуство на джудо. Съпътстваща професор Ямашита е бил негов студент Mitsuyo Maeda. Маеда ще продължи да учи Карлос Грейси в Бразилия. The Gracies modified the techniques into the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Над

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Непрекъснато усъвършенстване като Black Belt

trey -getting -black -belt

След като стигнете до ранга на черен колан, ще откриете, че е трудно, ако не и невъзможно, за да тренировка в клас. Освен ако не сте много черни колани, , които могат да се редуват да въртящи, ще прекарват по-голямата част от времето си преподаване. The window of training in class also closes the longer that you are a black belt. How do you continue

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Can You Bullet Proof Self-Defense?


A question I’m often asked during classes and seminars is “Can I become invincible by learning self-defense?” The short answer is “Не” but they are asking the wrong questions. Better questions would be: “What can I do to make myself a less desirable target?” “How can I get in better shape to successfully repel an attack?” “What techniques should

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No More Head Punches


We always taught students not to punch to the head during self-defense training. Още, we did teach students to punch to head height on pads, when teaching striking. After watching some of mixed martial arts legend Bas Rutten’s fights from Pancrase, it struck me what we were doing wrong. Pancrase banned closed fists to the head. Rutten, an accomplished muay

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Where Do We Go From Here?


В миналото, I’ve discussed the good and bad of the current situation in the American martial arts scene. While my base style was Taekwondo, the challenges are found throughout the traditional American martial arts community. I believe it is worse in the older styles of Karate and Kung Fu, where tradition is so heavily valued. When I started a blog

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Стъпка One – Get Into Shape

костюм на Джордж Хакеншмид

Ако искате да сте в състояние да се защитава, работа на вашия климатик Най-голямото техника в света е само толкова ефективна, ако не разполагате с издръжливостта да надживее атака. Conditioning е един от най-пренебрегваните аспекти на обучение по бойни изкуства. Cardio Conditioning – Remember the old saying, “Fatigue makes a coward of all of

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Different Seasons, Different Missions


Michael Hyatt recently wrote an article about retirement being a modern invention and dirty word. I agree with his views with one caveat. At different seasons in our life, it is time to let somethings go to make space for new things. To do new things well, we sometimes have to let go of the old. When I was in

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Huo Yuanjia and the Chin Woo Association


Huo Yuanjia was a real life hero, who inspired mythic tales about his life. His life and expoloits have been the basis of films starring Bruce Lee and Jet Li. The real Huo Yuanjia defeated many foreign fighters, when China was being victimized by other countries in the late 1800s and early 1900s. His exploits were a source of pride at a time,

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